So many amazing ink works @veryspider! Can't believe to read that you have fallen out of love of steemit :O I can understand but you're so important to the art community it feels it's over now. :(
So many amazing ink works @veryspider! Can't believe to read that you have fallen out of love of steemit :O I can understand but you're so important to the art community it feels it's over now. :(
Awww, Sander <3 You're one of the few friends that I made on here that made the platform really wonderful for a long time !
It's just different now, and I'm not even talking about Steem prices as I've trucked through the periods in which Steem was in the 12 cents. But I noticed that a lot of people are very content to take and take and take and take and take.
I've supported so many people, with constant comments, upvotes, curations, etc. I've given away steems. I've ran contests. I build communities. But at the end of the day, I felt taken for granted. Again, I'm not talking about earnings. Just felt as if there's a huge void of genuine authors who are here to foster communities, connections, real talent, and the long term, actual success for the entire platform. The bulk of steem authors feel to me, lately, as if they are just here to get upvotes, and that's it. They are not interested in anything else.
As soon as I realised that I feel this way about others, I realised that it was time to step back. I dont particularly enjoy being jaded about others and so, I've reached the end of the road.
Maybe, it is temporary. I'll try to check back in every now and then, but yeah, I've fallen out of love with the platform.
I do hope that it will somehow prove me wrong and that it will be a thriving place in the future. To that end, I wish you and everyone else who still believe in it .... THE VERY BEST OF LUCK :D !
PS. Wishing you and your wonderful lady a safe and healthy twin babies delivery in the near future <3 <3 <3 And also for your arting career to take off to great heights! :D