InkTober 20 - Uncharted

in #inktober5 months ago

The twentieth prompt for #inktober is "uncharted."

This prompt made me sad as I fear that, with satellite mapping, every place on this wonderful planet had been charted.

There are numerous uncharted planets in the universe. Sadly, all of the planets will be charted by machines before people can get to them.

So, I needed to find a place in the galaxy were people cannot go. I then realized that the best place to find an uncharted location is past the event horizon of a black hole.

In 2019, the Event Horizon telegraph took the first image of a black hole. They took pictures of the black hole in Messier 87 and of Sagittarius A at the heart of the Milky Way.

So, I set my mind toward drawing a picture of a black hole. To draw such a picture I would need extremely black paper along with some truly opaque pens.

I have neither.

I then remembered the "invert" button in GIMP. This button will invert the colors of an image. I realized that I could draw a light sketch on white paper; then invert the image to get a picture of a space ship flying toward a black hole.

I decided that, since I was drawing only highlights, that less would be more. I tried to create some nebulous clouds. I added some stars just be making some asterisks on the page. Boy, my hand are shaky.

I drew this image. I inked in some lightening strikes.

I used the GIMP editor to make the circle in the center totally white. I then just pressed the invert button.

As an experiment, I asked NightCafe to spruce up the image. Night Cafe produced this:

Meanwhile On a Distant Platform

Meanwhile on a different platform. I asked Night Cafe to generate the image of a ship falling off the edge of a flat earth. NightCafe refused. Instead it drew a picture of sails navigating a channel surrounded by steep cliffs.