Ultimate Wrestling Season 2 - Ch. 9: Friday Night Clash 15!

in #inkwell4 years ago (edited)



The live feed on every major television network channel in America is suddenly interrupted with a "State of Emergency" Presidential address. The Presidential anthem "Hail to the Chief" started to play as the spray-tanned overweight U.S. President Ronald McStrump waddled out to his podium in the rose garden to speak to the American people. McStrump looked stressed and was compulsively sweating as if he'd eaten something bad and was doing his best not to go in his pants. Since taking the highest office, the reality television star and real-estate mogul had aged dramatically from the job's stresses and the chaos that spawned from his poor leadership.

McStrump: My fellow Americans. My first and highest duty as President is to defend our great country and the American people. I swore an oath to uphold the laws of our nation, and that is precisely what I will do. Many Americans were rightly sickened by the brutal death of Boyd Loyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officers. My administration is fully committed that justice will be served for Boyd and his family; he will not have died in vain…

The President took a moment before starting to speak again. His body language suddenly became more aggressive, and his hand gestures more erratic.

McSTrump: But we cannot allow our great cities, federal buildings, our great historical monuments, to be destroyed by angry mobs. The constitution guarantees American's rights to peacefully assemble. Still, in Minneapolis, violent rioters have set the city ablaze and attacked police officers. In the south, our great Confederate monuments have been torn down and vandalized beyond recognition. Our country and our people have been through many trials and tribulations since I took office. These are challenging times, but this behavior will not stand! I am your President of law and order! America always wins, and we will thrive again!

Two members of the President's administration rolled out a flat-screen television. They began playing footage of the riots taking place in Minneapolis and other various protests across the country.

McStrump: In recent days, our nation has been gripped by professional anarchists like the Rebels of Society and Antifa, violent mobs, arsonists, looters, rioters, and others. Several State and local governments have failed to take necessary action to safeguard their residents. Therefore, innocent people have been caught in the chaos. These are not peaceful protests; these are acts of terror! That is why I am taking immediate Presidential action to stop the violence and restore security and safety in America. I am mobilizing all available federal resources, civilian and military, to stop the rioting and looting, end the arson and destruction, and protect law-abiding Americans' rights.

The President paused again, letting his words to the American people sink in.

McStrump: I will end these riots, and I will end them now. I have strongly recommended to every governor in office to set a 7 P.M. curfew and that they deploy the National Guard in sufficient number so that we dominate the streets. If the Governors cannot establish an overwhelming law enforcement presence by the end of the week. I will have no choice but to activate the military and the new autonomous Eagle Eye and Centurion anti-domestic terrorist unit initiative. I've personally written a bill for which will be on Congress tomorrow. One way or another, this chaos will end, and I will be the one to end it! America was founded upon the rule of law. It is the foundation of our prosperity and our way of life! Thank you, and God bless America!

Hail to the Chief began to play as the President stepped away from the podium, refusing to take any questions from reporters. Much to the surprise of multiple news organizations, the President, had heavily armed federal agents and secret service members push back a crowd of peaceful Washington D.C. civilian protestors. The federal agents used tear gas, shields, and clubs to get a photo op in front of an old church near the white house. However, the photo op for the President did not go as he had hope. The stress and duress he was under caused him to hold up a bible he had with him upside down in front of the church offending many Christians in the process. Present at the disastrous photo op was Vice President Mike Dense, Presidential advisor Sally Ann Kuntway, the Presidents chief of staff Turk Shadows, Bailey Macdoodle, the President's press secretary, the President's daughter Bianca McStrump and his son Derrick McStrump.

Your regular scheduled programing now returns…


Strangle Hold by Ted Nugent began to play inside the Estadio Azteca stadium located in the massive metropolis of Mexico City. The live feed of an enormous capacity crowd of 87,000 people on their feet waving their Valora Salinas signs around came into full view as the cameraman panned around. After the pyrotechnic show ignited and then dissipated, the live feed cut to the announcer team of Chris Rodgers and Scott Slade sitting behind their announcer table.

Scott Slade: Hello wrestling fans, and welcome to Friday Night Clash 15! I'm your host, Scott Slade, here tonight with my partner in crime, Chris Rodgers!

Chris Rodgers: We got a hell of a show scheduled for all you Ultimate Wrestling fans out there! After a short summer hiatus, we're back and back with a vengeance, my friends!

Scott Slade: You know it, Chris! The Tag Team Champions! Huckleberry and LuLu Biggs defend their championship title belts against not one! Not two!! But three!!! Hungry tag team challengers in our main event tonight!

Chris Rodgers: That's right, ladies and gentlemen! The Russians! The Young Guns, Sato and Dresden, and the unusual team of Vastrix and Valora, which fans online have dubbed the "Ultra Powers," are all vying for those coveted gold belts!

Scott Slade: It's going to be a hell of a four-team elimination tag team bonanza of a match!

Chris Rodgers: My money's on the Huckster and the fat Pimp! Those two crushed Evolution and Metamorphosis last week. I hear Evolution was shitting blood for weeks.

Scott Slade: You're not joking, Chris. Evolution spent a month in the hospital with shattered ribs and a broken sternum.

Chris Rodgers: That's what happens when Biggs crushes you with his "Ass Load" maneuver. That's 600 pounds coming down on you from the middle rope of the turnbuckle! Hell, I think I'd rather take a heart punch from Sato at point-blank range rather than get crushed by LuLu's fat ass like that!



Suddenly, "Evolution" by Korn starts to play from the Estadio Azteca stadium's sound system. To everyone's amazement, the injuredEvolutionn walked out onto the stage with his midsection heavily wrapped. The giant snake skinned man moved slowly onto the stage with a grimaced look on his face.

Scott Slade: Well, this is unexpected! Evolution back on his feet and here in the stadium!

Chris Rodgers: What the hell is dangling from his arms?

Scott Slade: It… It looks like those are snakes!

Chris Rodgers: Well, now I've seen it all…

The Mexican fans looked upon the "Snake Man" with horror and awe. Evolution spread his arms open, revealing two venomous Cobra snakes latched onto each of his biceps. The dangerous snakes dangled from his muscular arms as he made his way down the ramp and through the aisle. Once inside the ring, the seven-foot-tall monster of a man demanded a microphone be brought to him by Holly Hudson.

Scott Slade: Looks like Evolution has something to say, everyone. I'm sure he's in a real foul mood after what transpired last time he was active in the ring.

Chris Rodgers: Someone needs to tell this psychopath that no one wants to hear his incoherent ramblings about how he's the next step in Human Evolution. Face the facts, snake man! You lost! So get lost!

Evolution: Rupert! Mudcock!! Allen! Anderson!! If you want this show to start on time tonight, then I suggest you get your ass's down here to the ring right this damn minute!!!

Chris Rodgers: Who does this nutcase think he is? You can't order Mr. Mudcock around like he's some servant! Stay where you are, Mr. Mudcock! Don't give this lunatic the time of day! Just send security down here to handle him!

Scott Slade: Looks like he's doing precisely that, Chris. Here comes the security team now!

Rupert's Ultimate Wrestling security team rushed out onto the stage in new dark black uniforms carrying baton tasers. Anderson's tasers were newly purchased from a former customer of War Hammer to help keep the trouble makers on the roster in check. For weeks he'd had to listen to Rupert complain about how dangerous his additions to the roster were. So to help keep them in line, he'd geared up security the best way he knew how. Even with their new equipment, however, Evolution made short work of the guards.

Chris Rodgers: Good God!

Scott Slade: It doesn't look like Evolution is going to leave quietly! Look at him, man-handle these guards!

Like a mad man possessed, the giant reptilian looking man laid waste to the security personal. Once he was done punishing them for their foolhardiness, he tossed them out of the ring one by one. He then got back on the microphone and demanded that Rupert and Allen meet him in the ring.

Scott Slade: We need E.M.T.'s for those security guards ASAP! I think one of them broke their arm when they hit the floor!

Chris Rodgers: Stay where you are, Mr. Mudcock! Don't come down here!

With no choice left, Rupert and Anderson reluctantly made their way out onto the stage. Allen was dressed in a fine Italian suit, and his freshly shaven bald head glistened from the stadium's lights shining down on him. The obese elderly M.O.X. media mogul Rupert was on his shiny red motorized scooter. The Mexican fans booed the owners and shouted terrible names at Rupert in Spanish.

Scott Slade: Well, I got to say, Chris, I'm impressed. I didn't think Rupert had the stones to face an insane disgruntled employee, yet here he is!

Chris Rodgers: Mr. Mudcock isn't afraid of anyone!

The two made their way down to ringside. Mudcock dismounted his mobility scooter and walked up the steel ring steps with Allen alongside him. Once Rupert and Allen were in the ring, Evolution began to rant and rave on the microphone at them. Unsurprisingly the Mexican crowd seemed supportive of Evolution and seemed to have his back.

Evolution: How dare you schedule this tag team title match without me and my brother Metamorphosis? Every champion is supposed to get a rematch if they lose their belt! It's in every single one of our God damn contracts!

Anderson: You're not scheduled to fight tonight because you were never cleared by Doctor Drake! Your ribs are cracked! Your sternum is cracked! Therefore, you're disqualified from competing! You and Metamorphosis will not have your rematch clause honored, and you're just going to have to live that!

Evolution: BAhhh! You flat scans know not what you say! Even as we speak, the venom coursing from the fangs of these snakes heals my wounds and fills me with strength! You will honor the rematch clause!

Rupert: Listen here, you whack job! Snake venom doesn't heal anyone! Only an imbecile like yourself would believe something like that! Now get the…

Without warning, Evolution snaps and comes at Rupert, unable to tolerate the fat trillionaire's tone toward him. The short-tempered snake man grabbed hold of Rupert by his fat chubby neck and choke slammed him into the ring mat, igniting the Mexican fans into a massive roar. Anderson backed up against the turnbuckle showing the yellow stripe down his spine, unwilling to try and help his boss as Evolution stomped on him.

Chris Rodgers: No! No!! No!!!

Scott Slade: What is this psychopath doing! He'll never wrestle again in Ultimate Wrestling after this stunt! He can kiss his career goodbye!


Suddenly, without warning, Kronin Reinhardt appeared in the front row with an angry look on his face. The big German hopped up over the guard railing and quickly picked up an injured guard's baton taser before sliding into the ring. At this point, Evolution had already turned his attention toward Allen Anderson. He wrapped his big hands wrapped around his throat. Evolution was too busy choking the life out of Anderson to notice Kronin was now standing right behind him.

Chris Rodgers: My God, it's Kronin! Kronin Reinhardt is here in Mexico; I can't believe it! The German is back on his feet and looking for payback!

Scott Slade: What an incredible recovery! For a man who was stricken to wheelchair months ago by Evolution, he sure looks sprite now! The experimental surgery looks to have been an incredible success!

Kronin went in with a lightning-quick strike jabbing the baton's taser tip into Evolution's spine, forcing him to release Allen. The shock forced Evolution to scream out in pain as the fans roared. Kronin then cocked back the War Hammer baton and clobberedEvolutionn straight in his jaw, causing the giant seven-foot monster to stumble sideways into the ropes. The snake man gathered himself hastily and attempted to return salvo at Kronin. Still, the German was ready for him and annihilatedEvolutionn with a massive black hole slam.

Scott Slade: Beautiful Disaster!!!

Chris Rodgers: It's about time that big green son of a bitch got what he deserved!

Evolution rolled around on the wrestling mat in pain, crying snake tears while holding his injured ribs and sternum. The fans were in a ruckus, but the crowd reaction to Kronin's attack on Evolution was mixed. Some Mexcian fans were happy to see him back in the ring standing on his own two feet. Others were angry that he was saving Rupert and Allen, two sworn enemies of their hero Valora Salinas. Anderson did his best to bring Rupert out of his stupor as Kronin grabbedEvolutionn by his long black hair and lifted him. He then tucked his head between his legs and liftedEvolutionn with every ounce of strength to powerbomb the big three-hundred-pound behemoth hard into the wrestling mat.

Chris Rodgers: Metal Melt Down!!! Good, God! Evolution has been broken in two!!!

Scott Slade: Anderson is calling for an emergency medical team. Looks like our boss Rupert might be seriously injured from Evolution's attack, Chris.

Chris Rodgers: Thank God Kronin showed up when he did; otherwise, who knows what would have happened to poor Mr. Mudcock had that psychopath had his way with him.

Kronin stared down at the man who had crippled him only a few months ago and looked happy with the vengeance he'd taken upon him. WithEvolutionn completely incapacitated, the German picked up the microphone that had been dropped on the ring mat. The fans watched with their eyes glued to the 46-year-old German super athlete.

Kronin: Alright boys, I'm finished with this asshole! Now come handcuff his ass! I'm sure Mr. Mudcock will be pressing charges on this freak show!

Kronin dropped the microphone on the mat and exited the ring as "Ich Will" by Rammstein began to play on the stadium's sound system. The big German slapped high fives with the fans on his way up the ramp and then stormed back into the locker room happy with what had just transpired. The security guards who'd been beaten and tossed from the ring earlier by Evolution stormed the ring and quickly handcuffed the goliath Evolution before having him strapped to a stretcher and transported out of the ring.

Chris Rodgers: I hope they find the nastiest pit in all of Mexico to toss that snake in!

Scott Slade: I think this might be the last time we see Evolution in an Ultimate Wrestling ring. What a way to go out… a horrific attack on the company's owner and then a severe beat down from a man he'd wronged multiple times.

Chris Rodgers: Good riddance! That's all I can say!

Scott Slade: Fans, we have cut to a quick commercial break and sort all this chaos out! When we come back, the man known only as the Reaganator takes on Phillip Morris as both fighters make their Ultimate Wrestling debut!

Chris Rodgers: I can't wait! Two real Americans finally get to show these Mexicans what real wrestling is all about!





The live feed returned with the cameras focused on Holly Hudson standing in the wrestling ring center. Rose Johnston had been injured earlier in the week when the Reagantor attacked her good friend Jeremiah Vastrix. She was caught in the middle and hit with a steel chair. Rupert had asked Holly to stand in for her. So the young former M.O.X. news reporter now found herself thrust into the limelight wearing a fancy dress. It was unlike anything she would typically wear in front of a massive crowd. She'd been refreshing on her Spanish, not having spoken it since her study abroad program she did in Spain back in 2013.

Holly Hudson: ¡Damas y Caballeros! ¡El siguiente concurso está programado para un otoño! ¡Presentamos primero de la nación más grande del planeta AMÉRICA! Con un peso de 216 libras y de pie a una altura de 6 pies, 4 pulgadas. ¡Es el autoproclamado cruzado encapuchado de la libertad! EL REAGANADOR!!!

As the cameras cut from Holly in the ring to the stage, "Born in the U.S.A." by Bruce Springsteen began to play from the sound system. The Reagantor stepped out onto the stage for the first time as an official member of the roster. The masked man was hit with an onslaught of boos and jeers from the Mexican fans. Every person in that arena hated the Reagantor and blamed him for Valora losing her Franchise title during the four-way "Hell in the Cell" match way back at Friday Night Clash 8. Even Rupert didn't get this kind of reaction from the crowd.

Chris Rodgers: There he is! The American fighter we've all been waiting for is finally making his debut!

Scott Slade: Whoever this "Reagnator" idiot is, he's had it out for Salinas for months. A few weeks ago, he attacked Jeremiah and Rose Johnston, putting them both in the hospital! He's a danger to the roster, and he should be fired immediately.

Chris Rodgers: Oh, please! If Evolution got a pass for as long as he did, then the Reagnator should be more than welcome with open arms to this crazy bunch we call a roster.

Scott Slade: point taken…

The Reagantor made his way into the wrestling ring and waited for his opponent to make his entrance. The Reagantor was an intimidating looking individual, geared up like a star-spangled commando. He sported a cowled mask, much like something Cobra Commander would wear with an R sown into the forehead piece of his mask. Suddenly the Reaganators music cut off, and "Ghetto Cowboy" by Bone Thug's in Harmony started to play.

Holly Hudson: ¡Su oponente! ¡Proveniente de Carolina del Norte a través de la ciudad de Detroit! ¡Con un peso de 240 libras y una altura de 6 pies y 3 pulgadas! Phillip Morris!!!

Newcomer Phillip Morris made his way onto the stage wearing a cowboy get-up complete with hat, vest, and leather chaps. However, the entire outfit was littered with his family's different tobacco brands; from head to toe, the cowboy was sponsored like a 1980's NASCAR. The fans gave him a mixed reaction as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and pulled one out. The fans watched somewhat perplexed as he placed the cigarette between his lips and lit it with a zippo lighter he retrieved from his pocket.

Scott Slade: What kind of athlete takes a smoke break on his way to the ring Chris?

Chris Rodgers: Well, he is known as the "Marlboro Man" from the region of America he hails from. His family comes from a long linage of tobacco farmers, and it would seem he enjoys the product they produce.

Scott Slade: Well, he better put that thing out! He needs to get his head in the game. The Reaganator has shown he can be a dangerous adversary.

Chris Rodgers: I got to tell you, Scotty. Both of these fine men look like great American additions to the roster! I can't wait to see what they can do in the ring!

Scott Slade: Right… I'm sure you can't… finally, Someone you can root for.

Chris Rodgers: I know, right? About time!

Morris puffed on his cigarette while making his way down the ramp and up the steel steps. Once there, he flicked it onto the floor. He stepped inside the squared circle and took off his cowboy hat and vest. Referee Bob Sigro had a quick word with both wrestlers about his expectations for the match and then signaled the bell. As the bellman sounded the bout's start, the two strange American wrestlers began to circle each other in the ring, sizing one another up. The two wrestlers finally locked up with the younger and stronger Phillip Morris. He quickly out powered the Reaganator and pushed him to the corner of the ring up against the turnbuckles.

Scott Slade: We're officially off! Phillip Morris taking early control of this match.

Chris Rodgers: It's about time! That damn idiot Evolution coming out here holding everything up! The people want to see wrestling, not some blabbermouth snake charmer beating up an old man like Mr. Mudcock!

Scott Slade: We're being told that Mr. Mudcock has been taken to the nearby hospital and is in stable condition.

With the Reagnator in the corner, Morris hammered on the cowled crusader of liberty. Hitting him with a series of stiff, powerful elbows to the back of his neck. He then picked up the Reagantor and ran him over to the ropes, and tossed him out of the ring onto the floor. Morris followed his opponent out of the ring and nailed him in the face with another sharp elbow as he was trying to get up on his feet. He then picked up his masked opponent and nailed him with an atomic drop before rolling back into the wrestling ring to stop the referee's count-out.

Chris Rodgers: Phillip Morris doing some early damage to the Reagnator. A fantastic start for the young man!

Scott Slade: The Reaganator already looks extremely tired, and the match just started. He's trying to take a breather here on the outside. Looks like Morris caught him off-guard here, if you ask me.

The Reaganator got back into the ring. Still, Morris was on him immediately with a series of powerful punches that once again backed up the masked fighter into the top left turnbuckle of the ring. The rights and lefts connected dead on target to the masked wrestler's face. The blows sent him stumbling out of the corner only to be taken clean off his feet with a massive haymaker from the tobacco cowboy. He then quickly followed it up with a nice leg drop straight across the throat of the Reaganator. Morris got back up and started to showboat a little as the Mexican fans booed him. He then dashed over to the ring ropes, bounced off them, and attempted a running leg drop only to have his opponent move out the way just at the last second.

Scott Slade: Oh! Morris comes up empty on that attempt!

Chris Rodgers: This has been a one-sided brawl so far! Let's see if the Reagnator can turn things around!

Morris quickly got back on his feet. He attempted to go on the attack again as the old Reaganator tried to pull himself up by the ring ropes. Morris's inexperience and overconfidence lead to him getting a sharp elbow to the gut. The cowled crusader then popped Morris in the face with a powerful uppercut that rocked the tobacco cowboy's skull and opened him up for a massive elbow shot straight to his nose. The impact instantly broke his nose, and blood gushed out onto him and the wrestling mat. With his eyes weld up with tears from the broken nose, the Reaganator unrelentingly went after his somewhat blind opponent. He clobbered him with massive rights and lefts before clotheslining him up over the top rope and onto the concrete floor.

Scott Slade: Wow, what a comeback here by the Reagantor with some nice close-quarters combat.

Chris Rodgers: I'm pretty sure he broke Phillip's nose with that elbow shot. There's blood all over the ring!

Scott Slade: These two look more like they're having a bar fight than a wrestling match right now.

Chris Rodgers: It's two good all boy's proving who's the tougher S.O.B.!

The patriotic masked fighter followed his bloody opponent onto the floor. He was on him immediately with another vicious punch that sent him stumbling back toward the announcer table Chris and Scott sat at. He then grabbed Morris by the scruff of his flannel shirt and slammed his face into the announcer table, spattering them with blood and startling them.

Scott Slade: Holy Shit!

Chris Rodgers: Sweet Jesus, I need a bath! I haven't been sprayed like that since Vietnam!

The Reagantor then picked up Phillip and rolled him back into the ring as referee Bob Sigro scolded him and demanded that he keep the fight in the wrestling ring. The American masked vigilante then pulled up Morris again to his knees by the back of his shirt and hammered him with a multitude of hard right-hand punches. The punishment continued until Morris jabbed his opponent with a low blow and then raked him in the eyes to get some separation and a breather. The fans continued to boo both American wrestlers ruthlessly as Sigro warned Morris for his illegal tactics.

Scott Slade: Morris was desperate, but Sigro isn't going to put up with that kind crap.

Chris Rodgers: Both of these two bending the rules to the nth degree tonight. They both got brass with it being their first official match here at Ultimate Wrestling. I'll give them that much, Scotty.

Morris got back up on his feet and kicked his masked opponent in the gut before grabbing hold of his head and delivering a massive D.D.T. in the center of the ring. He then covered him for a pin and hooked his leg, looking to pick up the first victory of his career. Sigro dove to the wrestling mat to make the count as the fans looked on.

Scott Slade: Morris with a pin, one! Two!! NO!!! Kick out by Reaganator!

Chris Rodgers: Man! I thought he had him there for a second!

Morris picked up his opponent again and lifted him before slamming him down his spine first on his knee for an impressive backbreaker. The fans began to come around to his side as they watched the cowboy punish the man they perceived cost Valora her Franchise Championship months ago. The cowled crusader rolled around on the ring, holding his spine with his right hand, clearly in a lot of pain as Morris moved in and began stomping on him. Morris then picked up the Reaganator and pitched him into the turnbuckle before crushing him with a running double ax handle smash to his forehead. The pummeling blow rocked the old man beneath the mask into a dazed confusion, causing him to slump into the corner with only his arms draped over the ropes holding him up.

Scott Slade: Morris is in total control now! Just going to town on the Reaganator!

Chris Rodgers: The Reagantor's been busted open now too! Blood soaking through that star-spangled mask with the big R on the front!

Morris continued to unleash rights and lefts targeting the bloodstain on the Reagantor's mask until suddenly some sort of second wind blood rage came over the Reaganator. The cowled crusader stood right up wobbly but determined, absorbing shot after right hand shot from Morris as if each punch was filling him up more with rage. Suddenly without warning, the Reagantor swung up his arms and took a fighters' stance, ready to defend himself. The Mexican fans were astonished, not understanding how this man could suddenly will himself out of a bloody stupor.

Chris Rodgers: What in the hell? Where is this coming from!

Scott Slade: The Reaganator pushing himself to the utter limit here, ladies and gentlemen!

The two fighters began slugging it out like drunk Irishmen in a bar as they hammered each other with rights and lefts. The fans roared with excitement, unable to stop themselves from cheering them on after being sucked into the gutsy brawl. The two continued to go back and forth until the Reagantor hit a massive uppercut that took Morris off his feet and onto the mat. With the entire Azteca stadium a buzz, the Reaganator went to the ropes. He then bounced off of them and nailed Morris with a running savate kick straight to the head that laid out tobacco cowboy flat on the mat on his back.

Scott Slade: Good Lord! Where the hell did all this energy come from!

Chris Rodges: The power of Ronald Reagan is flowing through him, Scotty! Praise Americah!

With Morris on his back, the masked fighter backed up to the ring's corner and pushed himself up onto the middle ropes. He then stood up, putting his arms up in the air before leaping off the ropes and driving a massive elbow straight into the chest of Phillip Morris. With garbage now being thrown into the ring, referee Bob Sigro dove to the wrestling for the count as the Reagantor covered his opponent and hooked his leg tightly.

Scott Slade: An elbow drop, a cover, one! Two!! Three!! It's over! The Reaganator is your winner!

Chris Rodgers: Wooh! That was one hell of an opening match! What a performance from both of these two!

Scott Slade: That has to be a record for most closed fisted punches in a match! Sigro was just letting them go in there!

Holly Hudson: El ganador de este partido EL REAGANATOR!!!



The Reaganator slumped over onto his back breathing heavily. The referee helped him up off the wrestling mat and lifted his arm, signaling him as the match-winner. The Reagantor stumbled back into the ropes as the fans continued to boo him and throw trash in the ring. Phillip Morris struggled back up onto his feet. He turned around to see the masked crusader of liberty standing across from him with his right hand extended.

Chris Rodgers: Look at this! You wouldn't see this type of sportsmanship after a brutal fight like this from Valora Salinas! I think some respect was earned between these two tonight!

Scott Slade: You gotta be kidding me…

Morris was hesitant at first but then accepted the Reaganator's hand, and the two shook, forming some sort of bond. The fans booed them even heavier as "Born in the U.S.A." by Bruce Springsteen started to play inside the Azteca stadium. Morris put his vest back on and pulled out a cigarette from the interior pocket he'd had sown in by his mother. He then lit up a cigarette before exiting the ring with the Reaganator who'd placed his arm around him in a friendly manner.

Scott Slade: I don't understand how two individuals can beat themselves bloody for 20 minutes straight and then form a friendship.

Chris Rodgers: You're just not from the South Scotty. People down there live by a code.

Scott Slade: I guess I'll never understand…

Chris Rodgers: Fans, we got a cut to a commercial break, but when we come back, the Tag Team Titles are on the line!

Click here for part 2: https://hive.blog/fiction/@ultimatewrestlin/ultimate-wrestling-season-2-ch-9-friday-night-clash-15-part-two