Community Curation - Week 10, 2025

in #inleo12 hours ago

Hey everyone! Following our focus on supporting Inleo users and spreading the votes, we have added Community Curation to our curation programs.

This is a new curation program on top of Stake Based Curation, Organic Curation, Twitter Curation, Threads Curation, and Premium.

How it works?

The ally communities can send 2 links a day with their best posts of the day, made from They have to be less than 24 ours old by 9:00 AM EST and 9:00 PM EST that is the two times a day where curation will happen.


The ones part of the program right now are:

Amazing Drinks, Plant Power (Vegan), Foodies Bee Hive, Hive Run, Afri-Tunes, Digital Lifestye, Hive Naija, Hive Arte, Tattoo World, Hive , Argentina, Hive DIY, Hive Reachout, Clean Planet, Humanitas, Be Entrepreneur, Ladies Of Hive, Hive Learners, Olio di Balena, Gaming Photography, Sound Music, Vibes

The system is pretty simple. Let's see what we got this week:

Best Articles

@consistencyThe Power Of Choice JquScifimultiverse
@scifimultiverseScifi Talks Recap And Announcing Scifimultiverse Author Of The Month Of February LtnScifimultiverse
@teneshaVibes Web3 Music Competition Week 30 Everything I Wanted By Billie Eilish Cover By Ten EwlVibes
@palabras1Mesa Familiar Tradicin O Imposicin Espeng CfqHive Argentina
@kilvnrexA Bolt Experience FqzDigital Lifestyle
@vickolyA Love Story That Slowly Faded Away 3ZzHive Naija
@stradaxlalibertaMy Adventure In Golem Overlord A Journey Through The Latest Seasons And Strategies Engita 7FwOlio di Balena
@hiveargentinaFinal Iniciativa Febrero 2025 Final Initiative February 2025 BkvHive Argentina
@mergusa88An Easy Dinner Watercress Tomato Onion And Avocado Salad Engesp 7VzPlant Power (Vegan)
@quiubiPak Choi Soup Engesp 9FpPlant Power (Vegan)
@sunshine29A Weekend Recipe Of Caramelized Onions And Lettuce Sandwich JwzFoodies Bee Hive
@peacefulsoulA Ride To Remember Digiprompts 031 7H2Digital Lifestyle
@verdesmeraldaBanana And Turmeric A Good Combination Engesp BemAmazing Drinks
@lazybugFord Ranger T16 Rally Raid 2014 In Los Jardines Circuit 7SmGaming Photography
@gsusartTutorial Crea Tu Propia Mscara Para Celebrar Carnaval Esen QqHive DIY
@mamaemigranteAn Ink Disaster That Could Have Been Avoided Un Desastre En Tinta Que Pudo Ser Evitado 3Vy?Referral=MamaemigranteTattoo World
@elamaria Vegetable Delights With Cabbage Carrot Bell Pepper Onion And Soy Sauce Nutritious And Quickengesp A6SPlant Power (Vegan)
@bmhillelThe Deception Of Double Dating 7QbAfri-Tunes
@mavilan30Jewelry Display Stand Espeng 3XfHive DIY
@zupasteleriaPan De Molde Semi Integral De Masa Madresemiwhole Wheat Sourdough Bread 3VlPlant Power (Vegan)
@valchizBolt Drivers And Their Extorting Ways My Experience G1UDigital Lifestyle
@jeff07Lets Stop Double Dating Lde?Referral=Jeff07Hive Reachout
@lionsaturbixThe Kings Imperial Guards And The Lie Dragon Dogma Dark Arisen 3XbGaming Photography
@fixieMaking A Cardboard Frame For A Portrait Of My Daughter Haciendo Un Marco De Cartn Para Un Retrato De Mi Hija Engesp 7YmHive DIY
@artchefA Different Hope County Far Cry New Dawn 6XoGaming Photography
@yale95reyraEnes Eggplant Omelette Tortilla De Berenjena F78Foodies Bee Hive
@izuki.midoriyaA Fine Night Of Debauchery Ii 8YtGaming Photography
@rare-gemMy Goto Person 8TqHive Naija
@yorgarLiquid Energy Energa Lquida 86OAmazing Drinks
@muhammadakashHivereachout Weekly Prompt 37 Double Dating Jkj?Referral=MuhammadakashHive Reachout
@nsigo1Double Dating Not The Way Forward 8Fp?Referral=Nsigo1Hive Reachout
@dayadamPompurin 3D Decorative Quilling Technique Engesp 5NhHive DIY
@milik80Papaya Apple And Oat Flakes Smoothie JfiAmazing Drinks
@hiverunActividad Semanal 8 Y 9 2025 Semanas 60 Y 61 Espeng 87WHive Run
@ibbtammyThe Unpredictable Ride JrvDigital Lifestyle
@marile21Tutorial Decoracin Para Bolgrafos Con Temtica De Margaritas Tutorial Decoration For Pens With A Daisy Theme KyyHive DIY
@hrichakarFighting Higgs JksGaming Photography
@frankevorFighting For The Fortune CdqGaming Photography
@peacefulsoul Solar Power Is The Only Viable Option Scifi Prompt Week 6 Gg7Scifimultiverse
@daverickElectricity Not Much Of A Power Supply Here 2GxScifimultiverse
@arsh11Natural Places Give Us Peace MmClean Planet
@adanne0My Cleaning Activity432025 8AyClean Planet
@bmhillelMusic A Universal Language For Cultural Preservation DlcAfri-Tunes
@emrealThe Role Of Music In Preserving Culture HxmAfri-Tunes
@rainbowdash4lCountdown To Nn Rotterdam 2025 EklHive Run
@ikigaidesignDiseo Digital Pisciano Espeng DrbHive DIY
@beauty197A Horrible Terrible Experience With Uber Ride IeDigital Lifestyle
@supernova004Uber In Lagos Jd6Digital Lifestyle
@quan45My Goto Person AqnHive Naija
@fashtioluwaMy Run To In Time Of Trouble 5HmHive Naija
@enmyHive Run Training 26 A5THive Run
@artsyjoseCorriendo Con Mi Visera De Hiverun Esp Eng 39LHive Run
@efootjoker-ytMastering The Way Of The Samurai Ghost Of Tsushima Gameplaypart 1 AegGaming Photography
@pikachuuuuuGoing For The Entrance Of The Village Heart Cave H8PGaming Photography
@storygoddessForgiven But From Afar 9KfEmotions & Feelings
@justfavourThe Masks We Wear KyEmotions & Feelings
@dwixerDouble Dating Hivereachout Prompt Fqx?Referral=DwixerHive Reachout
@thirdsonIf Theres A Way To Stop Double Dating Gqk?Referral=ThirdsonHive Reachout
@soyunasantacruzReto Final Del Mdulo Descubriendo Mi Propsito Para Emprender Spa Eng D7A?Referral=SoyunasantacruzBe Entrepreneur
@lionsaturbixDrawing A Beautiful Dog In Pixel Art Style Engesp 7FdHive DIY
@wendyth16Yellow Rice With Curcuma And Vegetables HwuFoodies Bee Hive
@alexa2212Un Poco De Historia Del Arte En Mi Piel Espeng 3YnTattoo World
@ebassPeace Over Panic Trusting The Process And Letting Things Align To The Real State God Over Every 14BHive Naija
@ovey10Preserving Our Culture And Traditionafriinleo 40 7ZlAfri-Tunes
@quan45Unexpected Detour CtoDigital Lifestyle
@kingsleyyKarma Has Left The Earth It Is No Longer In Existence FydHive Naija
@afri-tunesMusical Theft Afriinleo Initiative 41 Cjv?Referral=Afri TunesAfri-Tunes
@omarcitorojasThe Nectar Of Life Engesp K49Amazing Drinks
@nikky01Proteinous Food Combine With Ripe Plantains ChpPlant Power (Vegan)
@pannaviMi Primer Dibujo De Shinobu Fgc?Referral=PannaviHive Arte
@celelyMaking A Denim Bag Eng Esp 2AzHive DIY
@bong1011Mission Underway Part 5 FcwGaming Photography
@rlathulerieConversatorio La Mirada Del Artista Espeng Juj?Referral=RlathulerieHive Arte
@noomer20 More Night Shots From Origins 68NGaming Photography
@cheeamakaA Hectic Courier Service Experience 9YgDigital Lifestyle
@edeyglezsosaHow To Make A Foam Decoration For Womens Day Engesp KgHive DIY
@vanessakorI Made A Milkyway Drink Rum Yoghurt With Mixed Fruithice Una Bebida Milkyway Ron Yogur Con Fruta Mezclada EzqAmazing Drinks
@abenadJesus Took The Wheel 8FfDigital Lifestyle
@loladamiModern Dating Is A Joke JjqDigital Lifestyle
@naeemulnepunAfter Dark Night Photography 4KeGaming Photography
@elamaria Delicious And Nutritious Lunch Lemon Chicken Thighsengesp E1RFoodies Bee Hive
@psalmmy264The Burden Bearers 7FsHive Naija
@seunnaraI Will Rather Share Than Hold It In A44Hive Naija
@rashed.ifteCruelties In Ghost Of Tsushima 5VtGaming Photography
@hiveargentinaNo Hay Pdcast Humor Espeng Subtitled HhHive Argentina
@filoriologoRecobrando Versos 2BdHumanitas
@enraizarHiparquia La Escuela De Los Cnicos Hipparchia The School Of The Cynics 7S6Humanitas
@gamingphotoHighlight Of The Week With Inleos Support 13 JuaGaming Photography

Congratulations everyone!!! Amazing content! Keep it up!!!

If you wanna get curated, join this communities, post from INLEO and create quality content.

If you want your community to be part of the program, contact @tsunsica

Posted Using INLEO


Thank you for supporting the community.

Thank you very much for the support 🥰🤗

Thank you so much for the support and the mention! you are the best!

Thank you so much

Thank you for your support.

Thank you so much

Thank you for your support

Thank you so much.

Thank you very much for your support!

Thank you very much for the support and the mention, the goal is to keep improving and these actions motivate... Greetings

Thank you for being so supportive. ❤️

@leo-curation Thank you very much for taking my work into account!

I am very grateful that you have taken my content into account. 🩷✨

Thank you very much for the mention and for the support to the @leo-curation team I am very grateful.

Thanks for the honour and support

Thank you for the support @leo-curation and team 🥰

Thank you so much for the support!🙏🏻❤️

Thank you so much for your support 💖🤗✨

Hive Pope Arms 2.png

The above account is under a Write of Excommunication. They remain unrepentant despite numerous warnings against their sins of spam, bearing false witness, and misuse of artificial intelligence. They have refused wise counsel and instruction to better behavior. They plead ignorance to the cause of their falling reputation, and ask questions about downvotes which have been answered on innumerable occasions already. Until they seek absolution, they are to be shunned by the community.