My passive income morning routine...

in #inleo8 days ago

Passive income is income coming your way without you having to actual do the work to earn it right then and then. I would actually add a few things to passive income, because writing a few words per day here and then earn maybe a few dollars shouldn't be considered passive income, but since it is so easy and pure joy and something I relax doing, I actually consider it quite passive income. So, join me on my daily passive income journey, and maybe you will be inspired to join along in a few of the things!

My passive income morning routine...

The order might differ a bit, but I would normally say that it starts with coffee and tea.

What does my coffee and cup of tea have to do with passive income? Well, I normally use an app called Mugshot (which is a part of the VeBetterDAO), where you earn some daily tokens by using a reusable cup/mug, instead of drinking from a paper-mug that causes a lot of waste. You can read more about it at

It isn't a lot, but it gives me a few tokens per day, and who knows... maybe it will be worth a lot in the future?

While drinking my coffee/tea I speak with my favorite guy, Merchant Moe. This is a decentralized exchange on the Mantle network, and as I have staked MOE tokens on the platform, I receive regularly a portion of the fees gathered by the exchange. These I can either cashout and take profit, or stake them immediately to own even more tokens and get more rewards in the future. But, that is only a tiny part. With my staked tokens, I can also gain voting rewards by voting for which liquidity pool on the platform should get the most rewards. This again is rewarded with bribes, and with these tokens I can either take profit, or stake them up on the platform, and earn even more in the future.

Is that all? No! I also have tokens in some of the liquidity pools. For example, if I have $1000 worth of tokens in the MOE/MNT pool, that pool currently has an annual reward of around 80%. In other words, I should earn approximately $800 worth of MOE tokens if I keep them there for a year. Of course, the price of MOE might go up (or down), and this might change depending on which liquidity pool gets the most votes by the MOE stakers etc, but that is still giving me daily rewards from the tokens I have in the liquidity pools. And let me not forget, I can remove the liquidity at any time if I want to go ahead and invest somewhere else instead (but I feel like that would be a really stupid thing to do).

My morning date with Merchant Moe is one of my favorite moments each day!

Whenever I decide to take profit, I go to Lendle. This is a different protocol on Mantle where you can lend your tokens and receive rewards of different kinds. Mostly you earn LEND tokens, but by staking Mantle backed tokens such as mETH, cmETH, fBTC, sUSDE, and others, you also get additional rewards that are part of later payouts (besides the constant rewards you receive in LEND tokens).

Once again, with money at Lendle, I receive passive income through nice interest on my staked tokens. It is quite common to see interest rates between 10% and 20% on stable coins such as USDT and USDC.


What's up next? If it isn't too cold, I bike with my kids to school (a total of 7km). Why is that important? Well, I use an app called Green Commute which is a part of VeBetterDao (mentioned earlier) as well. By commuting on foot or by bike you can earn rewards as well. It might not be a lot, but since it is something I have to do anyway, why not earn some bucks in the process? GreenCommute can also be used if you run between point A and B, walking between A and B, or biking, so it isn't only for commuting, but can also be used for similar activities.

Time to write some articles on Hive, Blurt, and Steemit.
When I am back home, it is time to just have fun and sit down by the computer and write a few words of wisdom, or maybe an article like this. Sometimes I am lucky and it might give me earnings of $5, other times less than $1, and at the best, it might even reach $10. Still, it gives me a daily stream of some sort of income, and if you add up a dollar here and a dollar there, and then some more dollars, it actually becomes enough to pay for quite a lot of things (or reinvesting into more crypto which is my real strategy), and that makes me happy and relaxed.

And with all this in place, it is really time to drink one more cup of coffee!

Anything in here that inspired you? What do you think?

Did you read about anything here that inspired you? Do you have any favorite passive income stream? I would love to hear some feedback based on what you have read, what inspired you, and of course, hear suggestions if you have ideas about activities or things I should do to add even more things to my daily passive income stream!