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RE: Oregon Trail ~ A Blast from the Past!

This is a neat way to educate. I remember playing that game years ago and loved it. I even gave it a go more recently when someone else I follow, @nonameslefttouse posted about it. I'm sorry to hear that Lynda died. Bad stuff happens I guess.

You spelt homeschool wrong in your tag.


Haha thank you for your condolences. I will have to check out their post!

Also...thank you for letting me know it was spelled wrong. It kind of feels like when someone tells you that you have a booger in your's a necessary embarrassment 😂

Lol thanks for that image.

Sometimes I spell my first tag incorrectly and that one cannot be changed because of the permalink. @brittandjosie wrote a great post about tagging the other day and I've been paying a lot of attention to them recently.

@freedomtowrite you now have 8 tags to use aswell you might want to add coin or tribes tags to
@abitcoinsceptic thanks for the shoutout gonna have to repeat the blog to little people saw it

Really @brittandjosie? 8 tags on Steemit??