What do you understand by depression, do suicidal thoughts and feeling of unworthiness just come and go like its meant to be? The answer is no. Depression is a psychoneurotic disorder that is accompanied by low or flattened mood, feeling of unworthiness, withdrawal to self, selective or general mutism and in extreme cases, suicidal ideations. Depression may be due to a particular life situation and it may be due to neurotransmitter imbalances.
Depression presents itself as subtle and minute but in the actual sense, it is very dangerous, it is a silent yet rapid killer. Avoid sitting down and nurturing negative thoughts, when they stream in, kick them out. Be an optimist, keep your mind busy doing something and finally, talk to someone; speak out. It may not take the whole problem away, but it reduces the burden, you feel light when you talk to someone about what is bordering you.. Do not be a slave to depression, speak out and get all the help you need.. Stay healthy, stay safe.