The word ‘Trust’ has been thrown around since the foundation of society, that man became a social being and since the collective work of a team became vital for the survival of that team. The team or a group of humans will have to carry out specific tasks in either haunting, gathering food and providing shelter to take care of the younger ones. The strength and effectiveness are largely dependent of the cohesion of the group, and that usually means the level of trust they have for themselves, the level of trust they have in their leader, and the level of trust the leader has on the individual abilities of his pack.
And over time, this trust level between people has dwindled significantly, betrayal, deceit, greed and all sorts of vices have taken a stronghold of the heart of men, and everyone just wants to survive. This decadence of moral values has made trust such a rare quality that you find in the average person in today’s world. One has to be clever and careful with whom they entrust certain secrets and pieces information with.
In today’s post, we will look at some qualities and other attributes to look out for in people, in order to come out with the right decision on who to trust. Because at the end of the day, we still need to trust someone, with our information, secrets, hearts and with our lives, because that is what makes life interesting and worth it.
Be wary of People Who Move Fast in Relationships
If you meet someone for the first time, its okay if you two hit it off pretty good on the conversation level, but be very wary if the person wants to become your best-est buddy, or even be the love of your life just from a few interactions. Chances are that this person is highly impulsive, and doesn’t carefully think things through before acting, or better still, they may have a poorly concealed intention.
The truth of the matter could be, they may be projecting an image of care or intimacy unto you, with the hope of luring you into them, and when you interested, they might blackmail you emotionally, getting you hooked while they manipulate and use you. The best thing to do with such emotionally needy people is to ask for a time off between you two, for the other part to think things through, while you also consider your position.
Be Real with Yourself - What is this person after
People get attracted to other people for different reasons, some are attracted based on good looks, others because of financial buoyancy and there are those that are interested in a stimulating and engaging conversation that may lead to something in the future. You have to be real with yourself, why are the people around me really here? Is it because of my money, my looks or strictly because of my personality. And ensure to give yourself the correct answer, because that will help you sieve through the incoming number of people that will come into your life.
And also assess yourself and determine what you want in a person, the perfect relationships are when match meets match, then there can be a stimulating conversation that will lead to something beneficial to both parties.
Psychology Today - Deciding Who to Trust
This best motivations, agar semua tidak salah memilih dan memilah, percayalah jodoh akan datang hahahahahhahaha gak nyambung ya.
Baiklah, memberi kepercayaan sama halnya mengharap dipercaya, sama-sama butuh pembuktian diri. Hingga saatnya tiba maka kita akan mengerti, jangan abaikan mereka, kadang justru yang kita anggap tidak bisa dipercaya, malah orang itu yang magi-matian membela anda disaat orang lain tidak percaya pada anda. Khak. Kalau salah jangan di flag beh. Hahahah
Benar sekali itu bang, kepercayaan seseorang sangat sulit didapatkan , jadi kalau misalnya kita sudah memdapatkan kepercayaan dari orang lain itu harus benar-benar diterima dengan baik. Terimakasih banyak atas komentarnya seperti sebuah posting hhaha, saya gak suka flag orang :D
Terlihat sangat akrab
Akrab alanya ?
Sukses selalu @yandot
Thanks bang :D
Yap, sama2..
Tq bg.. mohon bimbingan selalu kpd kami yg junior2..Bereh nyo bg @yandot jeut keu motivasi dan bak payah kamoe translate keulai meuri trep bacut bak mufom.
Hehe terimakasih bang
You got a 30.61% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @yandot!
Baca terus dan baca lebih dalam postingan ini agar kita mendapati subtansi yang luar biasa. Semangat bang @yandot
Terimakasih banyak bang sudah membaca postingan saya
Sama-sama bang, terima kasih juga telah berbagi bang.