In Tennessee, in Tina and Benjamin's family Gibson, the girl by the name of Emma was born. There was it on November 25 the 2017th and now, a month later, doctors note: the baby is healthy and develops normally. Emma the fact that she was born from an embryo which was in freezing longer other in the history of mankind – 24 years does by unique.
In the 1992nd anonymous donors have checked an embryo and it together with tens of others has been frozen. In process of inquiries they were defrozen and used, for example, previous has lain in the refrigerator of 20 years. Gibsona couldn't become parents in the natural way because of serious diseases, and him, frankly speaking, it don't care about a record. They are simply glad to the child, the daughter Emma. And here the scientific world exults.
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Great post
copi paste in bloger.
incredible to be alive at this time. :D
science never ceases to amaze me!!! To be frozen in time in a sense!
wow this is mind blowing