Never underestimate the unbridled power agents of government will desire to beat you over the head with if they think they can get away with it.
Buckle's the new video:
I'm Brian, the owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT those who take the time to view it. Bottom line: I strive to make it worth your while to check out my videos!

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Especially nowdays, full time jobs are a dying thing.
Government Eh? Here's a relevant quote you may appreciate :
That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality."
― Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
The sad fact is all these 'special powers' are sold to us for things we see as a problem, in this instance 'gangs' , but people cannot see this is the thin end of the wedge. Once these powers are granted its only a matter of time before they are used on you in some form.
I'm surprised my head has not cleaved itself from my torso from shaking it so violently in disbelief at seeing what the state is pushing ahead with. If I went and demanded items from someone in the street they would cry 'robber'. If I demanded someone should undress in the street they would cry 'rapist' or 'pervert'. If only I knew it was as simple as writing it down to make it legal.
If they want superpowers above and beyond ordinary people, let them obtain them the same way ordinary folk get them in the comic books, a serious overdose of radiation or a cocktail of toxic sludge, oh wait.... thats what they have been exposing us too for years and I dont feel better at all.
Have you noticed how rules like this are popping up all over the place. In all likelyhood this is coming from one central mandate (probably Agenda 21 or similar UN initiatives). Also, it’s probably being put in place to condition us all to believing that we don’t really own anything...not even ourselves.
So, in other words. We think you stole this, even though we have no reported theft of it. Therefore we are going to steal it ourselves. Then what, sell it in a auction?
I am with gurugnu on this one, it looks insane what is going on in the USA now, totally out of control government and Police, the UK is not far behind, and worse for surveillance.
Watching the video now.
OMG the Dutch have gone insane also.
The problem will be resolved easily by chipping the population. Proof of purchase will be in the palm of your hand, for everything you own. For everything you ate or drank. Maybe even for the last time you flushed the toilet, because this will also become a taxable event and a possible crime if you did it at an inappropriate hour of day.
And when you stop voting, that chip in your hand gets turned off, and you become homeless and broke, dangerous ground right there.
Forget holding on to your pants.....hold on to your receipts. How much further are they going to go before we ALL say enough is enough. Upvoted and resteemed....this needs to be known.
Sorry will not let me resteem this idea why.....will try again later.
Law does not need man to exist, if it needs men to exist then it is not a law. Men don't need mans law. An anarchistic society would be extremely peaceful.
Steeling the cloths off of your back. We all knew it would come to this one day. We must resist these criminals.
Did you see what the cops did to Adam Kokesh's RV Brian. They are nothing but the strong arm of the extortion racket known as government. Will resteem this.
Yeah...I did a video on Adam's incarceration.
Please people, learn your rights as a citizen and the laws in your state regarding filming, presenting ID, anything that may happen during a police encounter! It just takes reading a litte from a website. Make sure it's your state or county. Its the smartest thing you can do today. And remember copwatch alliance
Everyone knows that All Cops Are Bastards.
If the police goes down the street then how does the government know that the general public will be annoyance?
And, god forgive, someone gave you something??
If your a COP your JOB is to protect life , liberty , and property ❗️And if your doing more then that , and affecting the citizens in a negative way , then your a mercenary and a terrorist for the ZIONIST empire and you WILL be dealt with soon ❗️The constitution is NOT FOR SALE PIGS ❗️🖕