Great piece. The only part that was wrong is they are going to hand out much more to many Americans. An additional 600.00 per week ADDED onto normal uninsurance payments. Which means for many more than they were actually getting at their job. I urged everyone in my last post that will be receiving it to spend it wisely and not go blowing it on TV's and game systems and whatever other bullshit people throw money away on. I'm going to keep stocking up as I pay down as much of my debt as possible, building some kind of emergence fund with the rest.
Also, I predicted to my other half this will last several more months for sure. Trump is already in negotiations with Pelosi on the next round of stimulus. It is to focus a lot more on infrastructure, with a sizable percentage going to adding communications infrastructure (5G is my guess at their plans) to rural areas. They are talking of adding another round for us livestock, which is brilliant. Keep them as happy as you can as you roll out the military to their streets to keep an eye on the known potential troublemakers. Keep most as happy as you can with lots of money and then hand them their bills and new rulebooks for what they are "free" to do once whatever they are doing is in place.
Lol, yes we are like livestock to our masters!

So, this post was off-the-cuff but I tried to be as accurate as I could. The figures I used for this post come from several sources.
From what I understand there's:
Working Americans - approx. $300 Billion in cash payments - $1,200
Plus and additional $260 Billion in extra unemployment payments and about $44 Billion in student debt relief.
... and
... the CARES ACT is reported to be over 1000 pages long... I'm sure there's a few loopholes in the bill that will benefit the upper class. Just a hunch;)