Yes this virus is just WAY too convenient, and just perfect for a Foucauldian style of social control - stay indoors for your own safety, and that of others.
Even the fucking kids are roped in - painting of rainbows in windows, staying 'stay safe'
They must be laughing their socks off at the public's quiescent response, I imagine it's been better than they could have ever dreamed of!
The stock market was already artificially pumped up on steroids and soaring at ATH levels and this convenient virus becomes their exit scam.
Corona Virus is just the sort of scapegoat they needed. Funny how that works out, isn't it?
I've got to begrudgingly hand it to them, it's the perfect scapegoat for our times, I never saw it coming, genius, it's got everything.
You only really get the full effect by looking at a tabloid newspaper - when the content is frozen, the new narratives really stand out - which are the same probably as online, but just clearer from being in print form.
It's all there -
It's fucking unreal, or should I say hyperreal - everyone fragmented away in their own little media bubbles.
It's crazy evil genius - I would say straight out of the Watchmen, but it's much cleverer than that.
From this perspective, yes it's genius.
Whenever there's a solution that people voluntarily comply with... well that would be the genius part.
Present a new threat, a contagious virus, and provide the necessary solutions whether that means lockdowns, forfeit of civil liberties, mandatory vaccinations, suspension of government, marshal law... the possibilities are endless. Hyperreal and Hype the fear;)
Not just a scape goat, there is also an election coming and undermining China will set up a great running platform. They can wash away the fingerprints with the virus and then use it again to maintain control.
I think this sets up the scenario where the US elections will be cancelled and the Trump administration continues on indefinitely.
One other scenario is that nations will be forced into ramping up remote voting, which should mean that they can use blockchains. This is possible without of course by using things like banking keys, but a blockchain makes it much more auditable - though, that is why they may not want to.
Also, it makes it much more inclusive - another no-no for maintaining control.