in #insomnia7 years ago

-If you need to drink a glass of warm milk or read several pages of a book to sleep, you tend to suffer from insomnia; but if you have to use pills you have a real problem which will get worse over time until the pills do not work for you either.
The important thing is not the amount of hours that you sleep, but the way the person feels; if he keeps his vitality and good mood, even if he sleeps little, he does not really suffer from insomnia.
It is a real problem when the person who can not fall asleep, feels equally tired at bedtime that when he gets up and observes that his energies decline while his anguish increases.
Circumstances that occur during the day also influence sleep. If you, for example, nap, take several coffee in the afternoon or watch a horror movie before bed, it is impossible for you to have a good night ...
If you also have a concern or a problem that you have not been able to solve, the matter will turn in your head at the time you go to sleep or in the early hours of the morning.
When a person has a problem, at every moment he thinks about the details over and over again and naturally his tension increases until it becomes anguish or anxiety.
Insomnia that is not caused by excess caffeine, stress or a temporary problem, can be a sign of a physical or psychological disease that deserves the attention of a specialist.


Hola, leojorgett, por mi parte tengo un "problemita" con el insomnio. He tratado de contar ovejas y me las imagino (Como en las caricaturas) corriendo y saltando una cerca de madera, así llego como hasta la oveja número 12 ó 15 (Esto varía) la cual llega a la cerca de madera y en lugar de saltarla se voltea a mirarme y no se mueve y las que vienen detrás se van topando con ella y no pueden pasar y luego se arremolinan allí y hay tal barullo que no logro nada. Mi hijo de 15 años me dice que eso es imposible que pase, que yo soy la que manda, que la obligue a saltar...pero me da pena con el animalito. Entonces comienzo a contar (Sin ovejas) tratando de llegar al millón, a ver si me duermo del aburrimiento, pero no me aburro sino que cuando me vengo a dar cuenta estoy pensando en otra cosa, retomo el conteo desde el número uno y esto se repite varias veces...En una de esas me quedo dormida.