Your Positive Energy Source!

It may be that the law sounds very New Age and mystical, but in reality there are specific steps we can take to bring positive results to our lives. Consider this as the practical guide to the Law of Attraction.
Your thoughts create your feelings, your feelings create your actions and your actions create your life.
The most important thing is to understand that your thoughts matter. Your thoughts create your feelings, your feelings create your actions and your actions create your life. They are all interconnected, without exception.
Follow these 6 steps to activate the right thoughts right now:
1- Clarify your wishes.
It does not have to be January 1 for you to write down your aspirations and goals. You can start today. Ask yourself: At this time of year, next year, what would you like to have achieved? Find an hour and a bit of peace and silence and have fun with this exercise. Your goal may be to "earn 20% more at work", "visit a country I've never been to" or "start my food blog and reach 1,000 followers." The more specific the better. Check these goals often and see how they can make immediate changes in how you feel. Allow this to move you towards taking actions to fulfill your dreams.
2- Cultivate an "attitude of gratitude"

The next time you can not fall asleep, have to wait in a long line, or find your mind wandering in thoughts about your ex or your unfair boss, use that moment as an impulse to create a mental list of things by that you are grateful - it includes small things too!
Gratitude gives free rein to our positive vibrations and gives us a much better filter through which we look at the world. This filter allows us to see how good things really are and opens our minds to all possibilities.
Believe me - if you want to be happier, this will be much more useful than wasting your time and energy thinking about things and people who give you nothing.
3- Observa el diálogo que tienes contigo mismo.
How you talk to yourself is important because you are the one who is hearing. The mistake that many of us make is that we focus on what we do not want. Instead of saying, "I'm tired of being sick," you'd better say, "I'm glad that I feel better every day." If you do this constantly, you will attract better results than focusing on the bad. Create 5 new affirmations that make sense to you. If you just finished a relationship say "I am lovable. I love myself. I approve myself. "If you are struggling to lose weight try with" I love my healthy body and I treat it in a healthy way. I feel good about myself. "If you are having problems at work, say" New job opportunities are on the way. "
These become your affirmations. Repeat them every morning. Program them as random alarms on your phone to appear during the day. Say them while you are falling asleep at night.
4- Concentrate on the good.

Do you feel angry with your in-laws? Instead of staying with them as they are always in a bad mood in the morning, think about what they do well. Do they get along well with your parents? Do you cook delicious dinners for the whole family? Focus on its qualities instead of its defects.
When you focus on the good you welcome more good things. Try to focus only on the positive and verbalize it with the people in your life for 24 hours. You will be surprised with how they respond
5- Visualize your dreams
The images allow us to activate our true desires, not what we think "we should want." If your dream is to have your own home, investigate what houses are in the market and see which one suits your lifestyle, then look at photos of the house and have a mental image about how it is. The same if you dream of getting a job, a place of rest, a hobby, whatever. Imagine them, then look for images of what you dream of and you will be bringing your dream closer to reality. Let the images remind you of what matters most to you and allow them to be your source of energy and passion to make your dreams come true.
6- Let's do it!

All of the above should take you to a place of inspiration - to your "real" self that is guided by your intuition and not by the influences of the external world.
When you have clear your desires, speak with an empowering tone, focus on what is working well in your life, visualize what you want and let go of the impulse to action. That is the final step to achieve your dreams. You will send an email to that person with whom you would love to work, you will think of new ways to meet different people, different couples, investigate about people who have persecuted and found the way to achieve their own dreams, you will notice the opportunities offered by the life to approach your goals, etc. Commit yourself to doing a small action every day and you will see how little by little you are getting closer to your task. At this point next year you will be surprised what the sum of 365 small actions can achieve.
The world does not change, you change. Only you can let the opportunity flow in your life. Only you can eliminate the negative blocks in your mind that stand between you and your goals. Everything depends on you, and that is a real, amazing and beautiful secret!
Beautiful post... I like the positive thinking...