I have a crazy belief system...
Zoltan Tasi @zoltantasi
I say that because I believe that anything is possible... but not in a lame ass motivational poster kind of way...
What I mean is that you can literally be anything that you truly want to become...
And a big BUT...
You must be willing to truly embrace who you really are, regardless of how well (or how not well) that fits in with the standards of society.
Some are lucky in that who they truly are is very much in alignment with what society sees as noble or valuable, and thus society rewards these people for being themselves.
For the rest of us, if we really want to be what we want to be, we have to be okay with being bold in saying...
"HEY WORLD, guess what?
...I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum... and I'm all out of bubble gum!
This is who I am! I don't care if you accept that, all I know is that this is where I'm going and you can join in if you wish, otherwise step to the wayside."
What's amazing about this is that you don't have to be like anyone else in order to find your place in the world.
You yourself may be an odd ball that is hard to replicate.
You may be someone that no one will want to replicate...
But you may, in the process, develop an attitude that is highly attractive.
This is the mighty forces of boldness at play.
I'm All In
Willpower is a big part of my life, it is essentially who I am.
My parent-given middle name is William - the sentence "I am will" is literally in my name.
So when it comes to willpower, I feel like I have a reason to speak up for it.
Steve Harvey @trommelkopf
The thing is we have so much capacity to become who we truly want to be and create what we want to create in our lives.
I believe that we can live a lifestyle that is profound and beautiful and so incredibly unique...
I also believe that in order to get that, you have to pay your dues to the Universe.
That typically looks like you making a bold move, pushing all of your chips in the middle of the table and saying,
"I'm all in."
This is will in action.
Calling Out Our Bullshit Desires
Here's the thing though...
I think that the Universe is good at calling out our bullshit.
I think the universe is willing to grant us any wish that we so desire... as long as it's real.
As human beings, we're not always that creative with our desires.
Many of us want this grossly colored green paper...
Olga DeLawrence @walkingondream
I'm sure the Universe hears those desires and is like...
"WTF Mate..."
(yes, it's true, the Universe has an Australian accent)
"WTF Mate, you can do much better."
It's my belief that when we say, “oh Universe please provide me with this much money!’
The universe is like,
"Is that all? Come on you can do a lot better than that. There's so many more things to experience in this world. Why are you so focused on this shitty piece of paper?!"
You Have The Capacity To Be Bold
Those of us who desire security want to feel safe and comfortable.
That's a very reasonable thing to desire especially if you have a family.
But for those of us who don't have families, why do we desire that?
For me and my life, I know my desires are real when they scare the living shit out of me.
Chris Brignola @chrisbrignola
I know that when I truly have a desire that is unique and creative and something that the universe will support, it requires me to give up something in exchange for who I want to become.
That trade off is most often my sense of security.
I believe that is because true change requires an absolute sense of boldness.
You can't be truly bold when you feel fully secured.
Now I'm a pretty sensitive guy and I'm definitely not a confrontational type of person.
I wouldn't consider myself as having a "bold" personality per se.
But I will say that although I am a more reserved and quiet persona at times, the boldness that leaks out from me is in my actions.
I don't need to prove myself or convince anyone of anything in order to be bold, I just need to step in the direction of my dreams and not question what is holding me back.
"All fear is illusion, walk straight ahead."
This Zen Buddhist proverb is one of my all time favorite quotes.
For me, the quote embodies the essence of boldness.
Osman Rana @osmanrana
It literally says,
"Forget about everything else, fear isn’t even real. Take one step at a time and you will get to where you need to be."
It's my belief that everyone is bold and has the capacity to be bold at any moment that they choose to be.
Because true boldness is not a personality type, but rather an act of courage, anyone is capable of exercising their boldness.
You are bold when you step into the contrast of where your desire is leading you.
What I mean is that your life may look one way, let's say it may look black.
And your dreams and desires, they may look a different way - let's say they look white.
Verne Ho @verneho
When you act upon your dreams and desires and move through your current reality as you are, there is great contrast in that.
You literally bring the white upon the black which creates a great contrast.
This is your boldness in action.
The farther you go, the darker it will get.
But the interesting thing is...as it gets darker, you'll be able to notice the light that emanates from you is becoming brighter.
And as it becomes brighter, it becomes the beacon of light which guides your journey ahead.
You become the wayseer.
You become the light at the end of the tunnel...
...because you are at the leading edge of the tunnel.
It is through your boldness that you are able to step forward without fear of the road ahead.
Because there is no road ahead... you are the one creating it!
The Mighty Forces
It's my belief that when we make the decision to be bold and step forward embracing our boldness, we receive powerful gifts that we aren't always expecting.
There's a lot of power that comes in exercising our boldness.
Jared Erondu @erondu
Since most individuals do not exercise their boldness, when you do it, others see it as something very different and unique.
Boldness is attractive - the human condition craves it.
When there is an individual that is constantly walking forward, bold as can be, it feels like pure power.
I believe that this power is actually real power that we can actually access and utilize for ourselves.
It actually has nothing to do with the world outside of us, but it is perceived as power.
When we make bold decisions and take bold moves, we are met with mighty forces.
Doors open we weren't expecting to open.
People show up we weren't expecting show up.
Circumstances emerge that we could have never imagined would be possible.
Out of nowhere, we discover ourselves in a completely new reality...
...and it was all because we chose to exercise a power that exists within us.
Unleashing Our Mighty Powers
When we choose to face our fears and go straight towards what it is that we truly desire, we call forth our powers.
We're like Mighty Morphing Power Rangers... when it's time to fight our greatest enemies, we can call forth a much greater part of ourselves.
And so, when go towards what we desire, and we find ourselves as the underdog, we begin to naturally call upon the parts of ourselves that are dormant... our latent super powers.
These powers naturally appear, especially when we no longer have any other parts outside of ourself to rely upon.
When all we have is what is inside us, that's the point of initiation.
It is in our times of greatest need, that we discover who we truly are.
How To Access Your Inner Boldness
For those of you who may not be sure about how to exercise your boldness, here are my top three ways to do that:
1. Determine what you desire and then do what scares you the most about that desire.
Most of the things we want in life are actually very doable and a lot of the times we make excuses about things that we might need in order to actually get to where we want to be.
Sometimes those excuses involve needing some sort of certification or degree.
I spent six and a half years in undergraduate and graduate studies so I can completely understand that perspective.
For me, I discovered boldness by dropping out six months before receiving my doctorate, in order to pursue the path I knew was truly meant for me.
Now that's a bit extreme... but it's also a good example of literally not needing anything to pursue who you want to be!
Sometimes we think we need specific skills or specific experiences in order to do something.
But I will tell you this, we're moving into an age where most employers are no longer seeking these types of things, they are seeking creativity, engagement, collaboration, and most of all, boldness!
If you know you want something, focus on what scares you the most, list out some of the things that you think are holding you back, then figure out how you can confront those things right now and do something about it... right now!
Dmitry Ratushny @ratushny
You'll be surprised to see that the things that scare you are the ones that you can actually do right now, hence why you are creating reasons to not do it.
2. Let go of the outcome
It can be a good thing to really think about what you want in life and create a logical plan to get there.
I have no problems with that, however sometimes there just is no logical plan for making a bold change in your life.
Sometimes you just need to do it and you need to let go of all your expectations as to HOW it will happen.
Rob Potter @robpotter
You just need to trust in yourself, say "fuck it!", and give it everything that you have.
Letting go requires you to exchange a part of yourself for a higher version of yourself.
You literally need to let that part of yourself go so that the expectations that your old self holds are no longer relevant.
Let go and you will know where you need to go!
3. Immerse yourself fully
This is a very similar statement to number 2 but it's different in its own sense.
I think a lot of us try to make bold changes but we don't commit fully to them and then we question why we are having difficulty changing.
If you want to make a bold change in your life, you must engage every part of who you are in order to activate that change.
Michael Afonso @mafonso
For me, a big change that I want to make is to develop a new stream of income by creating content that truly inspires me.
Steemit was the perfect platform for that, and so I've been fully engaging my energy in the platform.
I spend a large amount of my time on here and I'm fully engaging with what I create, what others create, and the people I meet along the way.
The universe will not believe you when you say, "this is what I want!" without actually engaging your mind or body in that want.
Boldness requires a complete engagement.
Tony Robbins talks a lot about full engagement in terms of learning. His seminars are all about immersing yourself in the subject that you are learning in order to truly understand and embrace the concepts at hand.
We must immerse ourselves into what we truly want.
Boldness requires immersion.
In Conclusion
I have crazy beliefs that anything is possible.
But my beliefs are realistic in that I know there's always a trade off for what we truly desire.
When we are willing to go all in, and act with boldness...
...we uncover mighty powers that show up at the times of great need.
These powers are what open doors and provide opportunities that we may have never had, had we not made the choice to step forward...
...with boldness.
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Oh wow.. this is amazing.. i like your style of writing.. its not fictitious at all like most people have here. No bullshit. Straight to the point. The way it should be.. i am glad i saw this post..
Becoming bold is one of the most important things that you have to do and not for someone else, but for your own self..
And you are spot on with "be whoever you want to be".. i was a nuclear physicist but i became something that i loved and what i wanted to be..
@talia69 It is absolutely one of the most important things... mostly because it's so lacking in the present day ..and mostly because it's the only way to truly break through all the BS perspectives that society throws at us day in and day out!
I really appreciate your kind words here and pumped that we connected. Go you for doing what you love. Cheers!
First, I'm SO glad to see that there are other people out there spreading such important truths like this.
This article is riddled with little golden nuggets of wisdom and I'm super pumped now. :)
As a dream analyst, I'm constantly seeing this message being put forth by peoples higher selves. So many of us are being asked on a nightly basis to step into our individuality and to let go of fears and conditioning from the past which hold us back. Of course, we get detailed accounts of what this conditioning entails which is helpful for some people who don't understand how their current beliefs are limiting them.
I enjoyed this very much. Following and Resteeming. :)
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Be careful what you wish for, because they come to life.
In order to be bold, you gotta be confident. And to become confident you gotta WORK on increasing that confidence. And that takes TIME. There are no quick fixes.
Agreed, it does take time and energy to harness on more of a subconscious program perspective. But it can be accessed consciously at any moment we choose to access it.
BTW, one of the guys who signed up using my link bought in with $15,000. Now that's BOLD.Oh and you seem to be rather poor. You might wanna check this out. The current Bitcoin GOLD RUSH can change that for you. IF you're BOLD enough to take the risk. And like the real gold rushes of old, those who come early benefit the most. https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@jaro/there-s-a-gold-rush-going-on
Thanks for sharing. To clarify - I am profoundly rich in a myriad of ways. Cheers!
Oh yes, it is TOUGH to go against the grain. I tried for so long to be what others wanted me to be. And my body suffered for it, my soul shattered, but my will never died out.
A part of me always held on to what I truly believed in. I got on the famous train, wanting to get to Hollywood with everyone else in Theatre school, but when I learnt I would need to give up my creative freedom, I decided that I would find other ways of doing what I love. I can walk on other carpets that are better suited to my needs.
When I tried to be everything that a narcissist said I should be, I got sick and realised I was being manipulated. I stood my ground and chose what I wanted to be and sought for in a relationship and found just that.
I don't compromise anymore, unless it's a fair compromise that will bring value to me and my relationship. Because sometimes compromises are necessary.
Sometimes I still fall into the trap of devaluing myself, but I still stand my ground to what I believe and feel is best for me. People will criticise, and maybe I need to learn to ignore it because it brings me down sometimes, but even with all that, I still do, as we say in French "à ma tête". I choose what and when.
I tried working slave job for many many years in a row. And I burnt out. So now I work for myself. I don't think I can ever go back now. If I do, it will be udner very specific circumstances and I will make my stance very clear to whomever employs me.
"I am not a slave." is a quote from Dragon Age 2, a character named Fenris speaks it. Even if I live in a society of enslavement, where many don't realise we are slaves to the system, there is still a certain level of freedom if you know how to access it. I am accessing it. I am not a slave.
@binkyprod what you shared here is powerful. I can very much relate to what you are saying in terms of my own life experiences. I was on the doctor train and had to choose between giving away my soul for a unfulfilling yet comfortable lifestyle, or committing to who I truly am without any guarantees.
I also work for myself now and although it's extremely difficult at times and rarely a true sense of security or consistency, I feel amazing know that I am free to be me... and it is through this freedom that I am uncovering my true worth - which is magnificent.
It's my belief that when you commit to who you truly are you will be rewarded with far more than you could have ever imagined. Giving up security is the greatest security one could ever have.
Cheers to you my fellow trail blazing friend!
Giving up security is the greatest security one could ever have.
Yes, because being true to ourselves becomes a necessary constant and something that we can truly rely on.
Great post! I especially needed to hear #2 "Let go of the outcome." There's just something so freeing about letting go.
Thank you @joshbillings! I've been really enjoying the concept of "exchange" in regards to letting go. For instance, if you were to purchase a tootsie roll from me (because obviously I sell tootsie rolls for a job lol) then you would have to LET GO of a certain amount of $ in EXCHANGE for the goods. I like to compare this to our life experience as well. If you want a particular kind of life, you must let go a part of yourself in exchange for that. Oftentimes that's security or comfortability which may come in the form of a job or relationship or dependency. Whatever it is, we are making a divine exchange with the universe!
I think that although our purpose of life is not what society expects of us, we must follow the instinct, continue the path for which it was born, and not the one that wants to put us.
So while there are no more results, we will have to swallow the criticism and the "you're crazy, you're not going to achieve it".
Greetings, you have the audacity that is needed to succeed.
Keep going, you go well.
Regards, @axios
Exactly! Thanks for dropping by @th2017
Hi friend nice post
Thank you @avinashsingh!
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Hey @anomadsoul! That would be an honor my friend! And just a heads up, the photos in this post are not mine, but are shared with the permission of the owners :)
Cheers friend!
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All set! Thanks for your consideration @anomadsoul!
Hey @axios, upvoted and followed!
I also post on similar content as well, hope you like it. :)
What you put out is what you get
Expecting A Reality Change?
Thank you! I'm checking out the article now, looking forward to reading!
I really like this post. At first I was a bit suspicious when you were talking about will power, but as I went through it and understood what you meant about going all in, it made sense. A key part of going all in is tackling the resistance in whatever way and then the boldness can just come through naturally without feeling forced.
Exactly. It does come about quite naturally when we take the courageous steps forward. Thanks for reading @eftnow :)
To get a chance at success, you should be willing to step out of your comfort zone. To be outstanding, you have to find your own niche and if that entails being a certain type of crazy, go ahead. The world would arise when your craziness makes its mark in it. Of course, you should know what kind of 'crazy' I mean here. Taking a bold step is a prerequisite to winning.
Thank you for this great article. Your mind is rich and it is a good thing you are doing, allowing others to mine it. Thank you.
Yes! You got it right @royalrose. Thanks for reading and stopping by :)
It is my pleasure
I read this post last night and couldn't comment because my boyfriend wanted to use the computer.
I have to say it was a great and wonderful post to read right before I went to sleep. I really needed this more than you can imagine with all of the worries and doubts that are coming and going inside me.
I feel like your post was brought to my attention for a reason. Thanks for sharing something so inspirational.
I am following you for more of your great work!
@carolynstahl wow thank you for sharing that! It means a lot to me as I put my heart into these works. I appreciate you! Thanks for stopping by :)
It is very clear and appreciated the amount of heart you do put into your work.
Thank you <3
Great post! I totally agree with your thoughts here. The Universe definitely comes to our aid if we are chasing after our own unique goals.
Yes! It truly does :)
Fortune Favors the Bold
WOW @research-mind that means a lot. Feels good to know that others agree and feel a similar sense when it comes to boldly changing. You are so awesome. Thanks for stopping by :)
Great post and awesome comments.
Glad that i had a chance to read it.
Have a vision, think big, walk your talk, ignore the naysayers, work your ass off, and when you get there - share your profits and experience.
Happy to be Alive!
Best regards,
So true, if you want to change you need to fully apply yourself to it! I did just that and my life is changing. Great post here @axios :D
Yes it's an all or nothing kinda thing! So glad to hear your life has been changing too ;-)
Oh man @axios ! That was a good one. I love a nice deep look into who we are. Being willing to be all in is very important. Life is very short and we seem to spend so much of that time with a mask on. It doesn't have to be a very different mask, just one skewed enough that the real you isn't seen.
Yes it can be so subtle...that's probably why it's not always easy to see that we aren't being all that we are! Thanks so much for the kind words hear. I appreciate you @freedompoint!
Wow! This is definitely one of the longest posts I have seen here. Is it a part of an e-book? My shortened version of this is: I make money being me. I love making money being me and having my guides help me find the ways to make that a reality. Thanks for sharing ❤️❤️
@metzli thank you! Its actually something I wrote today but an e-book is a great idea!
Yes I love how you simplified that. Its amazing when we can use our inner gifts to sustain our very existence! I appreciate you !
It took this way as well and I was very anxious at the beginning. My hardest work was on dealing with expectations. To clarify whose expectations am I fulfilling? Are they mine? If not, when and why did I get them?
Expectations are such a big one! It's something I work on every day. Releasing expectations can be the greatest freedom. I've found that many times the expectations were set long ago by someone that was not me. And I think the goal is to discover all of those artificial expectations and expel them, replacing them with joy, love, and appreciation for each and every moment.
such a great article! what else could i comment, that it wasn't add already? indeed, being bold and living life the way you choose to be by fallowing our hearts is the greatest challenge in life, I would also add kind of our life purpose "red string"
Read you soon :)
Wow! I have to say it was a great and wonderful post to read right before I went to sleep. I really needed this more than you can imagine with all of the worries and doubts that are coming and going inside me.
very nice inspiration congrast;)
Inspired. Needed This. Thanks! Boldness is real power, the opposite of force!
Perfect post to read on a Monday Morning!! Thank you sir! Building up the gumption to do some open mics for stand up. Definitely following your posts and moving in the direction of my own end of the tunnel light.