10 Ideas How To Become Great at ANYTHING Fast!

in #inspiration7 years ago

Over years I've been wearing a lot of hats. You must learn fast!

If you are a business owner that's the only way to succeed.

And I love it!

Your workload looks like:

  • one month figure out email marketing
  • another figure out how to do proper accounting
  • then figure out how to delegate
  • Youtube is taking over, you need to figure out how to use it for your business.

Yes, you can delegate things, but you must be at least enough knowledgable about topic, so you can have a proper discussion and wouldn't get screwed over.

Then, I was reading James Altucher's book and he suggested that in this rapidly changing world, you must become an IDEA MACHINE.

The thinking is that every day you write down 10 ideas on any topic.

  • 10 ways to become more productive
  • 10 things you learned today
  • 10 ways how to improve my relationships
  • 10 things to do to be happy every day
  • etc.

Now if you are following the drift, then this article is also created for the same reason and in the same manner.

  1. I am stretching my idea muscle right now
  2. I am practicing my writing skills (something that I wanna improve upon)
  3. I am trying to share my AHA moments and contribute ( something that's important to me)

Try it yourself! It really works wonders!

...anyhoo... As I was thinking what to write about, I thought that this skill, becoming great at anything fast is KEY to success in our modern world. It's been KEY to my life.

I used these ideas to build my online business (1stwebdesigner.com) from 0 to 2.5 million unique visitors a month in 3 years.

I used these ideas to becoming one of the best kizomba dancers in Latvia in a year (check my profile for article on this).

If you are open minded, you'll benefit from these ideas too!

10 Ideas How To Become Great at ANYTHING Fast!

1.Embrace life-long student mindset

Don't become entrenched in one kind of thinking. Stay open and look for opinions different than yours. This will only make your world richer and allow you to grow at much faster pace!

2. Seek out experts to learn from

This has been key to Tim Ferriss and Tony Robbins rapid growth and learning. Find mentors - people who are smarter than you and learn from them. You do this through books, courses, seminars.

3. Write 10 ideas a day

Train your idea muscle. So many jobs are being outsourced or done by robots now. If you want to be a linchpin and thrive in this world, you must have a creative mind that connects pieces together. Creativity is something that robots cannot do. Doesn't it make sense then to work on this skill?

4. Practice, Review, Improve

Now you may learn from experts, but - "Knowing and not doing - is not knowing".

If you just learn, you become a good librarian or scholar. But when you take action and review how did you do, that's when you truly grow.

Ask for feedback from others.

When I was dancing I was filming myself, dancing in front of the mirror, asking other people how could I improve.

When I was making videos, I was asking my video friend constantly for feedback how to improve until he didn't have anything to tell me.

5. Keep Trying New Things

You don't need to become expert at everything, but when you just try some new things your creativity muscle grows.

For example me and my girlfriend we always go for a walk in mornings. Every time we try to find a different route.

This leads to finding streets we never knew existed and this in turns shows me that there is never only one way to do things.

If you cannot get in through the front door - there are still windows, backdoor, maybe roof entrance.

6. Embrace Uncertainty

There is a book called - "Feel the fear and do it anyway".

Don't worry too much about things, just repeat to yourself - Whatever Happens I Can Handle It!

This will help you to be more brave to try and do things.

7. If Something Scares You A Bit & Excites You A Lot - DO IT!

This is more philosophical point. You can do anything you set your mind to.

For example few years ago I felt I wanted to go to Philippines to open up office there.
But I was scared, it was in Asia, other side of the world. I was 24 and feeling a little scared.

What made me go was the thought that I would regret for all my life that I didn't try.

It didn't matter if I failed (I did fail) - but I wouldn't forgive myself for not trying.

Key to becoming great at anything fast - is trying and believing that you could.

Or even asking - WHAT IF I COULD DO IT?

8. Have friends who are smarter than you are

Brian Tracy said - "You are the average of your 5 closest people".

This is so true.

If someone puts you down - reconsider if you want to hang out with him. ( this applies to family members too).
I prefer to stay at home with book for example, instead of going out to meet people who won't challenge me and make me grow.

I have only 2 friends and girlfriend, who do this to me. It's not about quantity - but quality.

But key to success.

9. Maximise your time

You do this by using Pomodoro, making todo lists and being conscious how you spend your time.

I found out how much time I lost in social networks, so I quit them. Now I use free time instead to read books and there is always book with me wherever I go.

If I go for a run, I put on podcast and learn as I exercise. Find these gifts of time and be rapid learner.

10. Journal and Reflect

Journal has been my saviour for years.

Whenever I feel bad, I write it down... I try to understand what makes me feel bad and what could I do to be better.

Just act of writing, putting thoughts on paper will calm you. It's like a meditation.

Review your notes and over time you'll learn more and more about yourself and become better and better.

That's it! What is your key habit or practice you keep in mind to improve fast?

// Note: Photo credits - https://stocksnap.io/ (free premium photos)


Thank you for reading! What was the best idea, that you will try?

How do you make sure you grow fast?