Among other things, some of us are too much in a hurry. We should learn to be patient with God. The way humans sees things is far different from God. At times, what seemed to be a castatrophy to men before God could be a blessing in disguise.
Isaiah 55:8-9
For my thoughts are not tour thoughts, nighter arebtoir ways mybways. For the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways; and my thoughts tour thoughts.
As we can not afford to deny our children any good thing which they asked from us, except ibis beyond our competence, so also God our merciful Father can not refuse us anything we ask Him, except it will not be for pir own good or perhaps not at the moment.
When the host is going about preparing things for the visitor, the poor visitor might think he is forgotten.
When God is arranging things for our own good, some impatient ones among us will be accusing Him of indifference.
There is his lady that just clocks 40yrs approaching 41yrs yet no man had prized her for marriage. She was the first of 5 children, a boy and 4 girls all married with children. She has been going from one prayer house toghe other, never missed any crusade. All in an attempt to get a husband. She became miserable. Some cynics had even nicknamed her The President of Spinsters Association. She visited a witch doctor, did all that was required of her, yet failed. She got frustrated the more and decided never to go to Church again because God has failed her.
But a day came she had an encounter with God through a television broadcast, she listened to the message with wrapped attention. She felt touched. She noticed that everything that the pastor said had a direct bearing on her. She was therefore, left in no doubt that the man of God had a revelation concerning her.
The pastor on the television broadcast, narrated of how a boy sold his mother that gave birth to him for 20 million Naire, went back to the village, organized a party that on their way to Lagos, they had a fatal accident and his mother was crushed to pieces. At the mention of thos, the lady burst into tears and thanked God it was not her. That it might be that God was preventing from one trouble or the other that she can not bear.
When God is silent, He is doing something.
The ways of God it s totally different from man's.
Are you sad because your all your age mates have all gotten married and gotten children? Don't forget that thousands and thousands of your mates world wide has also died and forgotten. Some at infancy, some where aborted by wicked men and women indulging in illicit sex, and some were killed by their own very children. Some are mad and walking about the streets naked and picking up some food particles from the dustbin. Yet some were sold by their own children.
Be patient with God , doubt not His words. If you have prayed and nothing seem to happen, go into praise.
Paul and Silas after they prayed, they sang praises to God and the prison gates were opened
Thanks @diamondrich for sharing dis inspiring post. Most times when things don't work out d way we plan, we have dis feeling dat God has forsaken us not knowing He has a better plan for us.
Yes, things don't always go the way we want it but..... His thoughts are of peace to give you an expected end.
Thanks for the inspirational words.
No one runs more Than his shadows.
Patience has reward