Some days the inspiration to write and to share flows like torrential melting waters. The message and meaning in my mind clear as the freshest of streams. Then there are those days like today that those waters are frozen and waiting a thaw.
I generally have ideas I consider DEEP at the time I have them as I walk around, as I work, as I read the news, or as I read the posts of my fellow steemit users. Those ideas may seem deep at the time and I am totally enveloped in the message that I am certain is worthy of sharing. Later, I may wonder "What was I thinking?" or more likely my ideas will have evolved based upon time, thought, discussion with others like you, and I find myself needing to write a post based upon my revised "insights".
When no such powerful emotions and drives are present it can feel like a hole. I desperately struggle to find something to fill my pages and something worthy of thought. Why do I do this?
I do not embrace the concept of the singularity with the idea I have the power, influence, or wealth that would be required to transfer my consciousness via technology and thus ascend to a new state of being. I also do not know if there is an after life, though I do suspect there is something based upon my observations. I will find out the answer to that question at some time.
So if there were no afterlife, and even if there is one, what remains of me? What is my purpose that I drive myself with?
I realized long ago that some of me would live on in my children, though they are also their own people and what I am is not truly them. Some of me will continue onward in my children should they survive what life throws their way.
The other thing that can survive is my creations. In my case they are predominantly writings, games, and the occasional piece of music. Steemit is in the steem blockchain. It offers a chance of parts of me living on within its beams, struts, and architecture. Thus, I feel that drive to CREATE and to share... Perhaps some of the many things I write will have worth beyond my time here, and with any luck when that time comes I'll be on a new leg of an infinite adventure...
Today I felt no drive... I simply write about the lack of it, and the motivations behind it when it does exist. Thank you for your time.
Steem On!