Life is a roller coaster ride. A beautifully strange one. Where else do you find extreme polarities existing so cohesively. There are ups and downs, happiness and sadness, sorrow and joy. Sometimes we feel we are at the top of the world and sometimes we feel totally worthless.
It is in these lower extremities of life, that one looks for a shimmer of light in the darkness of his unfortunate circumstances. What happens during these times can make or break a person depending on how daunting his troubles are.
It is in these moments in life, that a person is the most vulnerable and in need of a helping hand, that sliver of light which acts as the first few steps on the path to salvation.
There were a lot of times like these in my life and even now, sometimes, they like to creep back in. Consider it my luck or just the silly way I look at reality as a whole that I was motivated to keep going, to keep pushing, through all the hardships, knowing that one day, I will lay upon the flowers of happiness.
These motivations and inspirations came from the strangest of places. I hope you can relate to some of these.
A Friend
He is no ordinary friend. A happy-go-lucky fool who enjoys every moment of life. Remember the advice that everyone gives you but nobody follows? Enjoy every moment they said, sadness will come they never said.
That is perhaps why I call him a fool. I never saw even a hint of a strain on his face. I have known him for 10 years now and sometimes I still fail to figure out if he is for real! In fact he makes fun of the hard times and laughs his way out of it.
It is not the advice that he used to give that has helped me in life but his very presence. At times I used to remember this goofy lump of a person and forget about my sorrows. A smile would ensue and I would forget all about it.
Such people are rare to come by. So thank your lucky stars if you have ever known such a person or had the fortune to befriend one and cherish them as you would a baby and let them know that they are really important in your life.
A Cartoon Character
I used to watch a lot of Dragon Ball Z in my childhood and throughout adolescence. For those of you who don’t know, it’s an anime series. This series revolves around the main character named Goku.
He is one of the strongest fighters in the universe and yet he is shown to be innocent, humble and naive who sees good in people and believes that everybody is redeemable. He is the protector of everything that is good. He is an awesome friend to everyone around him and all around inspiration.
Call me crazy but I have looked upon him several times in life as an inspiration. Yes, a cartoon character with no physical existence motivated me somehow. But then, motivation itself is an idea. Is it not? It doesn’t have a physical existence and yet look at how it affects our lives at every corner along the way.
Goku inspires anyone who looks upon him to be good and do good. To use your strengths for the betterment of people and to protect the innocents. To be kind and gentle and help everyone in need. And doing all this selflessly.
A Tree
There was this huge tree by the side of the house I grew up in. It had a magnificently large trunk and it’s branches spread like snakes stuck in mid-air. A wise man once said, “Nature is the best teacher.” He was right.
One time, on a stormy day, I was watching that tree sway in the wind. The wind was strong and it looked like some invisible large hands were shaking the tree viciously. The tree swayed from left to right, probably enjoying the ride, but the trunk remained unmoved.
Suddenly I had this inspirational moment. The only thing constant in life is, change. Change is going to come into your life like that wind. You must be rigid enough (like the trunk) to hold your ground (to not get overwhelmed by it) but flexible enough (like the branches) to adapt to change.
It is of vital importance to do it. Many a people have failed in their lives because they were too stubborn or reluctant to change. And those who adapted, are flourishing like a tree.
A Blank Page
Once I was trying to write a story as I try to do from time to time. As I was sitting there on a warm afternoon, with a notebook in front of me, trying to keep up with my own thoughts (a million of them), I noticed that I had been staring at a blank page for a few moments.
And suddenly it dawned on me. Life is a like a blank page! Life is like a story that is being unfolded as we are living it! We are the writers and we are the characters of our own story.
And as we live each day, one more page gets added to our story.
This motivated me to take more control of my life. If I am the writer of my own life, I am going to write a really beautiful story, a really meaningful one, a really inspirational one. One that served some purpose. I am going to make it an awesome story because it’s the most important one to write!
This realisation helped me grow a lot as a person. I felt more matured as time passed. I started become more and more like a planner. Planning ahead in life just as we plan ahead while writing a story. I guess the lesson here is that you are what you make yourself to be. As simple as that.
The person I am today, is the sum of the all the persons I was in the past. We change, we learn. Why not do it for the better? Life is full of inspirations. You just need to look. Who knows something right in front of you might inspire you to greatness. It could be a person or a place or a thing. There are infinite number of things you can learn from and develop.
Everyone wants growth in life. Personal, spiritual, financial or the many other things in life. The crux of the matter is that everything is achievable. Do not limit your thinking. Every thing is possible. We wouldn’t be flying around in cylindrical objects called planes if the Wright Brothers had limited their thinking.
One person is enough to change the course of mankind. To advance the human race a century into the future. To make everyone’s lives that much easier. To do what has never been done before. All you need is a little bit of inspiration.
@gavvet features authors to promote new authors and a diversity of content. All STEEM Dollars for this post go to the featured author.
If I can't accept being the ruler of my world, then my world is my ruler
Thank you so much for helping me get my words out to so many people. This is a really special article for me as it describes the things that made me who I am today!
hope everyone can take inspiration from this :)
Goku? I am more a Vegeta fan. He inspires me ;))))
nice work @sauravrungta
thank you :)
My dog is just like the friend you described... "I strive to be the person my dog thinks I am" ;)
My friend inspires me a lot, thanks for sharing with us @gavvet
How to contact you @gavvet about geting promoted? :p
steemit chat..... but i get swamped with spam.... so may take a while to respond
Ok ;) I see...
Buddha has told life it is a condition of reason
I have a friend just like that. Can't even think of him without smiling. You made me think of him, so you made me smile :)
Oh my! now Im inspired to write mine. applauded 100000x
Inspiration loves randomness and hates normality
enjoyed reading this.. thanks!
Every journey starts with the first step ... Every story starts with the first word.
totally agree that life is full of inspiration and, in my opinion, every post i write has a different one. UPVOTED
Please take a look on my related article about why I write on STEEMIT
great story @gavvet I`m also lukcy to have such a friend, "happy-go-lucky fool who enjoys every moment of life" as you say, she is amazing and I love her so much ))) many things can inspire us to become better, the main thing is not to miss this things, people and moments)
Yes , "Life is full of inspirations"
Very inspiring words! Sometimes we just need to slow down, think deep thoughts about who we are, where we are going, and what we really want out of life to be happy.
It's easier to not think, to just keep marching along in the same rut, to count time but not make time count.
Thanks for the reminders. We're human--we need them pretty often.
Your publication is very encouraging and I identify with it much thanks for your contributions @gavvet
It's really nicely written though...
Sources of inspiration are constant through life. The angle of the light shining on the road can be enough for me on a random day. The more inspiration, the more inspiref the life.
gavvet you pro, is worthy of respect.
Ese amigo se parece un poco a mi jajajaja, a mi me gusta reir y ver el lado positivo a todo. En estos momentos estoy ayudando de la mejor forma y maneras a una amiga que ha quedado en depresion debido a la alta inflacion, como tantas personas que han quedado hasta sin agua. Yo simplemente doy gracias a Dios por permitirme ayudarla y a las que he podido. No sin antes mencionar que a pesar de estar en sus duros momentos, motivarles y darles aliento en algun momento senti que me desbordaba la tristeza y debia llorar sin que se dieran cuenta . Siempre dando la buena cara! ha habido buenos resultados, de escuchar tantas cosas que pasan por sus cabezas, unas claras y otras confusas escuche algo bueno..
Me enseñaste que la oracion es buena y me pone en contacto con algo superior que ha abierto mis pensamientos. Uff, aunque por experiencia se lo recomende, nunca imaginaria que despues de verla asi ella me lo diria. Doy gracias a Dios. De lo que si estoy segura es que de cada pensamiento y actitud positiva, perseverancia se logran buenas cosas. Y que uno mismo es quien se limita. En cualquier situacion podemos mejorar
That friend is a little like my hahaha, I like to laugh and see the positive side to everything. Right now I'm helping in the best way and means to a friend who has been in depression due to high inflation, as many people left even without water. I just thank God for allowing me to help and I could. Not before mentioning that despite being in their hard times, motivate them and give them encouragement at some point I felt overflowing sadness and was to mourn without noticing. Always giving good face! there have been good results, hearing so many things going through their heads, clear and others confusing hear something good ..
You taught me that prayer is good and puts me in touch with something higher that opened my thoughts. Uff, but from experience I recommended it, never imagined that after seeing her so she'd tell me. I give thanks to God. What if I'm sure is that every thought and positive attitude, perseverance, good things are achieved. And that one is who is limited. In any situation we can improve
i really enjoyed this article!
For me... the trunk represents our grounding (connection with our Mother Creator) The branches represent our interaction with our Father Creator. Both aspects of the One Creator.
And, i've been discovering that utilising our thoughts to DREAM a life aligned with our SOUL'S PURPOSE is very effective, ESPECIALLY when imagining the DESIRED OUTCOME has ALREADY OCCURED. It is that JOY that is the MAGNET to attract such in our lives!
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing @gavvet. :]
very nice inspiration @gavvet
Very interesting outlook that change is the one constant in life. Nature is ironic.
Beautiful post @gavvet ! TREES are my favorite. I have written about trees many times. Also, riding my bike and the beach...riding my bike to the beach! Creative writing...oh yes :) Friends...oh how I am blessed with many wonderful friends! I feel so grateful after reading this article xoxoxo
Liked! Interestingly it is written beautifully.
It can be in the form of post as this :D
Hey @gavvet! This is a pretty awesome thing you're doing for authors. Is there a place people can submit?
To me inspiration comes when I'm alone on the nature and the music plays. And for each text needs its own style of music. Sometimes inspiration comes when I work in the garden. My friends say that being a copywriter is just - you sit all day drinking coffee or go for a picnic / walk / jog. Sometimes you need to stay in the noisy company of friends to then in silence to write something interesting and fun. I wish you all the inspiration !!!
Thank you for sharing such an inspiring and beautiful story as well; gave me lots of food for thoughts.
There is an inspirational sentence I like:
Nobody told me it was impossible to do, then I did it.
Interesting Read, Thank You
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