Most people know that Mark Cuban also started selling Door to Door. Here is another article from someone that you may know that started a little company called Patron, LOL.
I have never been much on the topic of college, heck I never even finished 9th grade and own a business and came out okay. As fast as the world changes these day's, I really don't see the need for college. Now day's people are spending all this money for college to get a degree they will never use.
I never even found high school worthwhile or some of the things they were teaching. I just wanted to work. It's just we are programmed most of the time by our parents to get a good education, get married, work the same job for 40 years and die. That's not how it should be. No one wants to sit behind a cubicle for example 1/3 of their life.
Think outside of the box don't be a slave to normal thinking.
I am a big fan of the show Shark Tank and listening to the stories they share to why they started a company. This is one of my personal favorites. Ex NFL player to entrepreneur.
There is a old saying " Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve"
Don't listen to people that tell you it's impossible, Don't make excuses that you don't have money to get started, Don't tell yourself that one day you will make it, hell Walt Disney was fired because they said he wasn't creative enough.
Do things now why you still have time, we only live this life once so don't be on that death bed regretting chances that you never took.
Time for me to go get some hot cocoa as it's freezing here today. Have a great day and make all your dreams and ideas a reality!
your friend,
I actually knew that piece of information about Mark Cuban. Door to Door Sales teams love to use successful examples to motivate their teams
I knew you would know that :). And it’s really not bout Door to Door as I was typing I got sideways and off topic lol. Problem when mind races and just types. I am starting to read the complaining post a lot on here much like FB, it’s like if you don’t like where you are in life move! You aren’t a tree. People just complain and do nothing about it. So many pity parties out there but no action.
You will find that every where in reality though. But thankfully there isn't as much on that here like there is on other social media sites.
Silly question, but how do you highlights on you're blog? Seems the simple things i have yet to figure out.
When you are tying a response or a post you will see under it something in blue called the Markdown Styling Guide it has all the codes for doing that.
Like to bold up something you use the #. Meaning lets say you want to highlight and bold up the first line in your post you would hit the hashtag then space then type your words.
Like this sentence
If you want to italics something you put this * between the words you want in italics and example would be hustleking does door to door sales for a living
Thanks @tecnosgirl I appreciate that.
The key is to put yourself in uncomfortable situations to help grow. This post was a great reminder to me. I am not an actor but was asked to play Mark Cuban in a commercial a few years ago. I studied him for months. He also owned a bar in college and took other risks that other people didn't take at that age. Here is a link to my commercial (it's for an overpriced college). Hope you enjoy.
that's awesome @davidblackwell i appreciate you sharing the video.
this commercial has been playing here. So glad my daughter is going to Purdue instead lol but IU isn't bad in price it was only about $2K more a year than Purdue and Ball State
Sorry to hear 😛
Just send her to the best school U.K. #BBN lol
Its decent if you live in state.
Purdue Chemistry department far beats IU's every day of the week. You all are going on sports cause academics Purdue is a far better school. Plus Purdue ranks in the top 5 Public University in the United States. IU doesn't even rank in the top 10
Though if I was going to school for Business, IU would be my top choice.
Awesome! We have to get out of our confort zones to see what we are really capable of!!