Good day everyone, I believe everyone us very fine today.
Its 6:30 am and one question has been going through my mind, why do people feel rejected?
In life circumstances might just push us outside our comfort zones( outside our family,friends,lovers and well wisher), to an unknown environment...
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Reasons could be because of schooling, employment opportunities, migration or maybe we could just be victims of ugly occurrence such as natural disasters and other to mention but a few.. However, its not a bad thing to change environment, because as they say change is constant.
Be it as it may, we are now in a new environment,With new individuals having different norms and beliefs.
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*For instance you speak a different language from every other person, this could make you isolate yourself from everyone else giving you that sense of no belongingness and isolation.
*It could be your skin colour, people might not want to get acquainted to you because of your race.
*It could be your mind playing tricks on you. How do I mean? People tend to get this feeling of I'm not needed here, they don't like me, I'm not good enough. All this statements are lies we tell ourself and this brings about low self esteem and inferiority complex so to say.
As I stated above, you might speak a different language, SO WHAT?
You might have a different skin colour, SO WHAT?
All these are not factors that should limit us. Look beyond your all this difference, because in my country Nigeria(west Africa), we have Chinese, Lebanese, even Japanese people who are CEO to many lucrative companies.
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They weren't limited by their language,skin colour,norms,beliefs because they set their goals and they worked towards it undermining all these embargoes. So you are not rejected and never make yourself feel so no matter the circumstances you might find yourself. Barrack Obama the ex president of U.S.A never looked at his race or background, he simply believed in himself and eventually he was accepted by all... So don't worry about fitting in just be yourself, working hard and you will see that other things would begin to fall in place...
I hope I have been able to encourage somebody today. Thank you very much have a nice day.🙂
Nice article and photos. Its sad that society does reject people and its a mindset that needs to change. People need to love without judgement, without partiality, love without motive. Just love
Well done bro!.. Kindly go through my last post..