Those who are old never give up, we who are young don't get lazy
Working to provide for the family is certainly a responsibility of the family heads. Therefore, any work will be done despite having to turn upside down, leaving early in the morning going home. Yes, all is done only so that the family at home can eat. Thankfully there are additional costs saved for the future.
Talking about earning a living, what if old age becomes an obstacle? Yes the article when the age is getting older the body condition sometimes does not support the result is difficult to work. But these old-time online motorcycle taxi drivers turned it down and kept working.
Uban is not a barrier to work
All is done to meet daily needs
Hopefully the exhaustion will become a worship service
One of the stories that made me sick, broke down the motor driver
Even there are those who become victims of snatches
Take a break for a moment in the heat
They are the older generation but never give up
Seeing the spirit of these grandparents who never gave up even though they certainly make us proud. Those who are of age are never tired in earning a living. So don't let us young people become lazy in working or doing any activities.