When you need money, what do you say? When you have health challenge, what comes out of your mouth? Sometimes when you missed the mark or fail in a project, how do you respond with your words?
Unfortunately some people ignorantly curse themselves, some even curse themselves and they think they are being real or facing reality. When you ask them why they speak that way, all you hear is “I am being real”
Whatever your mind believes, your mouth will say and whatever your mouth say is what your life will be, of a truth as a man thinks in his heart so is he.
Never tell yourself i am poor, I am sick, I know i will fail again, I am tired, i don’t know what to do, Oh foolish me, I knew it won’t work, It’s not just possible, and I am too fat, I am ugly, the last project failed and am sure this will too.
Use your mouth and speak positive words, it takes lesser energy to speak positive than to speak negative.
If you feel you are low in cash just say i need some money never say i don’t have money, if you feel sick instead of saying i am sick, say i need to see a doctor.
What you call a thing is what it will become, negative words have a way of sticking to us and over time we will produce what we say repeatedly.
Most times we say i am tired as a default statement, rather say “my body needs rest” And automatically your body will enter a rest mood. Once you said I am tired I can assure you will get tired the more.
When someone ask you to do a task, instead of saying i don’t know what to do, simply say i will think about it and get back to you.
It’s not that you don’t know what to do, you have just not found the solution.
Every challenge has a solution, the fact that you haven’t found the way does not mean solutions is not available, you only need to think deeper and come out with something, once you say I don’t know what to do, your mind will shut down automatically and won’t go to work to look for solution.
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this is an awesome post...remain blessed...
Thank you sir