I Have A Dream

I have a dream, yes I have a dream. Should in case you don't know @inspiredgideon1. I am Gideon Nnakude from Nigeria.

I have a dream, a dream of hope and comfort. A dream of a better life for the poor and the needy in the northern part of Nigeria. A dream I foresee that it will come to pass.

A dream where every child in northern Nigeria has a privilege to go to school and not being restrained by the poverty of their parents. Where schooling will have more value in the north than in any part of Nigeria. A dream where every child has value because they have being educated.

I have a dream that one day the poor in northern Nigeria will have enough to eat and to help others. A dream where hunger is no longer recognised because every one feeds well and are not malnourished. It's a dream I see and desire the soonest manifestation of it.

I have a dream where every on the steem platform is not concerned about themselves alone but showing concern to those who don't have. Yes a dream where charity works is the order of the day on the steem platform. Yes!, where the competition we see is comparison of how people you helped during the weekend.

I have dream where the steem platform is a Government of it's own, supplying the needs of it's members and depending less on our various corrupt Federal, State and Local Governments for help.

The above is possible if we all can be united as a body and walk hand in hand, not being selfish and self-centered. Together we can do more.

Support the @steemminna initiative today.


May your dreams come true. 😀