Just know in which ever of this fields\situation you find yourself, never let this depart from you=HOPE. Always have hope with you.
Sirius black taught us that the ones we truly love never leave us.
Lord voldemort taught us that a life without love is a barely living.
Fred and George taught us that most of the time. All we need is a good laugh.
Bellatrix lestrange taught us that obsession will rot your mind and lead you to madness.
Dolores Umbridge taught us that education should never have a political agenda.
Draco Malfoy taught us that most people are not born evil.
Hagrid taught us that outside appearance can sometimes hide the most beautiful things.
Lucius Malfoy taught us that money will only let you choose your form of misery.
Luna Lovegood taught that we should celebrate our individuality. It's okay to be weird.
Albus Dumbledore taught that great knowledge is attained with great pain.
Arthur Weasley taught us that curiosity is a good thing.
Neville Longbottom taught us that only the biggest adversities will reveal your true-self.
Peter pettigrew taught us that spineless people will always turn on you.
Remus lupin taught us that even a lone wolf can find love.
Lilly Potter taught us that there is nothing stronger than a mother's love.
Hermione Granger taught us that reading can save your life.
Ginny Weasley taught us that bold is beautiful.
Percy Weasley taught us that family will always be there for you.
Ron Weasley taught us that you can overcome your lack of confidence if you believe in yourself.
Snape taught us that heroes can hide in the most unlikely of places.
Harry potter taught us that there are causes worth dying for, but none worth killing for.
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