I originally planned to keep silent about this but I think it's pertinent to speak up... Ladies be contented with what you have, all the glitz and glamor of this world all ends up as vanity... This davido ASSURANCE and Porsche trend is currently making waves and I hear people saying it's true love... Pls be wise, if davido loved chioma so much why did he impregnat 2 women while dating her in the first place... To davido that 45 million is nothing, the publicity stunt he is pulling will give him all that money back... Women, do not sell your dignity because of your love for material things...Do not let love for material things make you hang around with all kinds of criminals or ritualists all in the name of looking for a rich guy... Almost everyday in Nigeria women loose their lives, run the streets mad or get sexualy harassed because they want so called ASSURANCE sugar Daddies... Pls our ladies be wise!! The bad economy of Nigeria is not a guarantee to turn men to your ATM. Ladies Work hard, do the right things and in due course you will find the right person for you whether he buys you a Porsche or not shouldn't be the question. Thanks, pls repost so others can benefit.#LADIES_SHUN_MATERIALSM_AND_BE_CONTENTED.
Important Life advice (important)

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