Development of the Age, Era of Globalization, Communication Technology, Online Shop

in #inspiration7 years ago

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If we look back, the world we live in now has passed many times. The development of this era thanks to the hard work of mankind which every day always bring up new discoveries that can change the world. When you write the word "era" on Google, it will come out a few choices of words are: prehistoric era, ice age, stone age, metal age, and so on. The existence of the changing times shows that the world is not static, but dynamic, constantly evolving, progressing, developmentally, all of which are undergoing change.
Several decades ago, the world also experienced / entered into an industrial era developed by the British where at that time the British colonials and allies controlled most of the region on earth.
Perkembanganpun continues. in this second also, dumia has entered a new era. Globalization era. In the era of globalization, information technology plays a very important role. By mastering technology and information, we have enough capital to be the winner in the globa competition
l. In the era of globalization, not mastering information technology is synonymous with illiteracy.

As we know that globalization is a world process into one. In more detail, Globalization can also be called a process or activity that affects the whole world and involves many ortang who have the same needs or interests. The characteristics of Globalization can be seen in several ways. The two most striking and most characteristic of the era of globalization is the speed of information and technological sophistication. For example, we look at the means of transportation and communication. Transportation and communication tools are growing rapidly. Various means of transportation and communications and with all sophistication is very helpful to us in carrying out daily activities.
Realizing that we are already in it, then what should we do ??? Are we silent and waiting for the next era while hoping that the next era will be in accordance with what we want ???
Definitely NOT.
Information and technology developed so rapidly. So, we must be able to keep up, at least to keep up with the times. So the world remains in our hands.
For you a businessman, prospective entrepreneurs, producers and even those who tend to have a consumptive soul, all will not be separated from the world of information. Ease of access to this information will be very helpful to anyone, not least you.
For entrepreneurs, or prospective entrepreneurs the opportunity to introduce your products to the wider community, wider than you imagine will be realized. Of course, by utilizing the information technology.
Surely you are familiar with hearing "Online Shop" or "Online Shop". Yes, that is one way that can be used as a form of utilization of information technology.
By opening SHOP ONLINE, then your product opportunity to worldwide will be much greater. Here should be underlined is, that not careless online store that can meet the sales target as we want. There are special tricks to do. Tricks to choose the name of your online store, the trick to determine the appropriate target market with your product, the trick for your online store is always crowded to visit.
For those of you who already have tokoonline but can not feel satisfactory results, or for you who want to open his first Online store, then happily We give a greeting to you as we are ready to help realize your desires.
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