Personal Development - Inspiration Wednesday - Thoughts Become Things! -J.Tornesakis

in #inspiration7 years ago (edited)


Hey people! Have an amazing month ahead!

Today's topic is about the one of many "secrets" of success, and that's the law of attraction! You heard it! What you think, say or do affects your reality. You attract what you think! If you think about something you really want and focus on it on a daily basis you will eventualy grasp it. The same goes about negative things, like stuff that you don't have. If you think about not having what you want or think about being in a terrible situation all the time, guess what?! You're gonna get these situations more often because of the law of attraction!

It's not because you thought of something positive or negative that brought you the specific results but rather the thought itself! The law of attraction clarifies one thing only! Whatever our thoughts are, we get the same results. It doesn't matter if it's positive or negative, the important thing is that you made that thought over a period of time continuesly so the universe collected the thought process (positive or negative) and returned it to it's maker as a live event of life!

Control of our thoughts is of outmost importance to reach our goals and success. We must visualize everytime what we really want on a daily basis and combine our thoughts with the power of knowledge and action to achieve success! That's the most productive and effective way for us to achieve what we want and the universe to cooperate with us on a level that will bring ourselves closer to any goal faster!

If you want more information about the Law of Attraction you can check out one of many amazing books which I believe it's the best one in this link ----->>>>>>

I hope this post will help you and if you know someone who would need this post feel free to share it!

Everyday is better! More health, more wealth and happiness around the world!

Let's be amazing together!!

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