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RE: Whatever Threatens You, You Threaten it Back

in #inspiration7 years ago (edited)

"Whatever is coming after you, go after it. You've got too much to do Creative. - this is inspired :) I applaud your message which is encouraging and positive although I feel your choice of language to be a tad confrontational in the opening - but then perhaps that is your intention; a swift kick up the backside.?! Heres to creativity xox


Hi there! thank you for your insight! I seriously would rather be surrounded by honesty than empty kudos, so many thanks to you. I know that seems weird, but for me it works. And lol yes, I've heard that I come off confrontational... I wouldn't say it's an intentional thing, but just my personality in general. Come to think of it yeah, I'll be an "excuse's" enemy. I'll confront that.
A thousand smiles,