In Life You Can Do Without Many Things, Except Cats, Literature And Meeting Special Steemians!

in #inspiration7 years ago

This motivating and inspiring quote by CS.Lewis was pinned on my twitter account on Jan 26th,2017: MaMMasiTTa‏ @SilvieinBali But in reading great literature, I become a thousand people and yet remain myself.” (via wordsnquotes) 

Thanks to @steemit for motivating me since day one I joined the platform, to write and also read more again!

As some might know by now ......I do love animals! Sometimes even more than "human beings". I used to be a so called dog person but living with more than 5-10 cats at times in my Bali house, I have learnt to appreciate my kitty friends as much as my dogs ...........and now a few awesome Steemians :) 

My Pet Stories - SteemPets! SteemMeow! SteemMutt!

The Enigmatic Loki, My "God-like" Cat! RIP! 

Now I talk a bit about Cat People.  

I write a lot about animals, art LX Factory Lisbon Art To Put Colour In Your Grey Winterdays!, movies, music and my life experiences, travels and today I will share some fascinating and a bit wacky artwork from a Japanese sculptor, Kenji Yanobe who loves cats as much as I do and some thoughts popping up at the same time.

KittyKatAttack On Steemit - My Favourite Movie Cat People From The 80's


Image source 

“Ship’s Cat,” the artists most recent project, recalls his earlier work but with a patina of heroism and idealism. There’s another way to describe the new statues: they depict enormous cats wearing helmets, and that is awesome. - Source from DangerousMinds

Find more about this artist on his Website 


Image Source 


She loved cats so much that she subscribed to Cat Fancy Magazin in 1966.  

It’s difficult to think of something anything that could endear Ayn Rand to me, but the news that she was a cat person certainly would be in that unlikely ballpark.- Source 

Meeting amazing people on Steemit!

Did I find my new poster, I bought yesterday, by coincidence? No....I don't think so.....Nothing happens by coincidence as the Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield mentioned in the first chapter and I also wrote in my article from last year

“I don’t think that anything happens by coincidence. No one is here by accident. Everyone who crosses our path has a message for us. Otherwise, they would have taken another path, or left earlier or later. The fact that these people are here means that they are in our lives for some reason.” Source 

What does this mean regarding to another one of my cat stories?

I don't really know yet but maybe its a message for me, that I should not give up and follow one of my dreams to get involved in helping animals in need much more again, than I did since I am back in Vienna. 

So.....I am happy to report that I met awesome people in our community who motivated me to help! 

Coming Tuesday We @coneptgarage and @reconnectnature will go to drop off food at the animal shelter in Vienna. Steem was raised by a 7 days charity series what generated around 300 Euro. 

Conclusion of my Steemit-Charity-Event - 300€ for Vienna Animal Welfare Organization

Last not least>>>

Yesterday I had a wonderful lunch and so called "crypto-chat" with one of my new Steemit Austria friends @sciencevienna, who's articles I admire a lot, for longer than expected. There are so many interesting topics to explore with passionate fanatics like me:) of a new generation. It seems that I have nothing to talk about anymore with my "old" friends, other than their broken marriages or what they missed out in their lives.

at florentin1090  Berggasse8, Vienna 

I am learning so much everyday, spending late hours until mornings sometimes, reading about the new and exciting project "Tauchain" or what coins I should invest, how to set up my Nano S or how to cash out some of my profits, without paying tax. My head seems dizzy, tired from little sleep at times but I keep on reading. 

I am more hungry as usual for knowledge of many things I do not understand but I don't give up to study. I even explore options to go back to the University in Vienna to take some courses. 

I end this article with a song as usual:) and hope you will enjoy this 80's soundtrack by David Bowie. 

Cat People, Putting Out Fire, a single from the album "Cat People"

Image Source 

Original Soundtrack, released in March 1982

Yours @mammasitta 

Follow also my minnow profile @massivevibration to keep on spreading those MassiVe Vibes. 

Feel free to join my steemit chat channels at "mammasittas, austria, massivevibrations, baliohbali" to post your links. 

Join MAMMASITTA's Steemit Network and twitter and privat Fb group accounts "steemitvibes"

I am supporting Austrian authors and invite You for the discord "steemit-austria" channel

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Ich freu mich schon :D

Ich mich auch !! Ist das Poster nicht super lieb??? Habe ich gestern gefunden
It's hanging in my bedroom now

Das Poster ist mega! Für meine Wohnung aber ein bisschen zu groß :-P

Übrigens habe ich auch 3 Dosen Hundefutter von meiner Nachbarin bekommen :) So lieb!

Sehr nette Nachbarin ! :D

Thank god I'm not the only one addicted here on STEEM :-) Indeed reading makes us more curious, and there is so much to discover.
About TAU; you made me aware of this,.. so now I have something to investigate further ;-)
Thank you and have a nice weekend!

You will be amazed ! watch those interview and just don't mind shaking your head because you might not understand it :)

He is Genius!!!

He sure is A GENIUS; TAU could be rocketing for sure,..


Great great great, cu you next time how far we got with our Tauziehplans :P

Omg Thats damn cute and we have to get together more often. I enjoy such chats a lot! #Agoras! How to store them ....Thats what I try to find out today for another few hours:) I invested quite a lot more today already! It's a "knowledge" revolution that #tauchain project! I can feel it!

Wow Bittrex seems to be the only exchange for AGRS far and wide. I hate changing via BTC :/

Yes! There is no other one where you can get those

Wow mavoment thanks for sharing.

You mean the #TAUCHAIN" ?? Oh yessssss

Here is my cat, i was 5 years old. but it is not realy my cat... i was very scared


OMG Hahaha .....Wie Süß ihr 2 :) Ich kann es am Blick erkennen

Ich glaub sogar das ich die Hosen voll hatte, ggg

hahahaha so lustig! Kommst Du wieder zum Stammtisch?

Die Katze mit der rausgestreckten Zunge sieht so lustig aus xD
Bin auch schon sehr gespannt wie sich das Tauprojekt entwickelt! :)

Wow! Du kennst es schon? I can feel it !!!!
Ur suesses poster habe ich jetzt in meinem bedroom:) MEOW!

Ja ich hab mir glaub ich gestern den Artikel dazu durchgelesen und sehe enormes Potenzial darin. Ich befass mich ja selber viel mit Skalierung in verschiedenen Bereichen durch mein Unternehmen und wenn man Diskussionen skalieren kann wow crazy shit going to happen...
Was ich ein bisschen skeptisch sehe ist, wenn man seine Meinung ändert, durch ein Ereignis oder eine Erfahrung, weil das hat dann sehr viel Auswirkung und verschiebt vielleicht die Risikobereitschaft. We will see

Dann hat dein Schlafzimmer 2 Wildkatzen gewonnen ;D

Ja Ja Alles ist sehr aufregend und eigentlich kenne ich mich noch nicht so richtig aus aber seine Interviews sind faszinierend und seitdem er den Code gefunden und published hat wird's ernst , glaube ich.

Uebrigens, Der Popsch ist nun im Gäste Zimmer hahaha @flurgx und hat der Katze Platz gemacht

Thank you for this fun, catty post with all of the positive vibes ^_^
And for Bowie, Bowie is always good <3
Great work with the fundraiser!! Thank you again for all that you do for the animals in need :*

Here a little more fun :)

Cat People is such a classic. I hope you watched the movie

Oh, Aida loves to do that at night ;D ;D ;D
I actually haven't watched the movie, but reading now the plot, it seems to be a funny one :D

Its one of the real legendary classic movie of my youth and generation and I think you are one who would appreciate it. Enjoy!

You too @vieanna mit Nastassia Kinski :)

Thank you, I'll give it a try! <3

So ein inspirierender Post - angefangen von Katzenliteratur über deine pet stories, phantastische Skulpturen, deinen crypto-chat mit @sciencevienna bis hin zum Song von David Bowie :)

Ganz besonders toll finde ich dein Engagement für Tiere! 🐶 🐱

Hallo meine Liebe!Ich vermisse Dich schon aber es geht so rund.
Du musst Dir unbedingt den Film anschauen
" Cat People"

Ist ja schön, wenn viel los ist ;)

Freu mich auf ein Wiedersehen - spätestens beim Stammtisch :)

This is our beauty!
Hello, @mammasitta! I adore cats as much as my children. Our cat is like in paradise. Everyone loves and adores her. I think that cat lovers can not be evil and cruel people. And you, @mammasitta very good and sympathetic person!

What a BEAUTY she is ....Wowwwwwww

Yeah)) I just adore her))). This is my charm!

steemit is changing life isn't it ;)

It for sure did change my life

good idea! Going to university. There should be a steemit university in RL - you can physically walk in. I picture the good old reason to study. To go after a topic as deep & wide one can imagine. To put ones nose into dusty books, modern art & technology, beautiful gardens and a huge nice library called Steemit. I know I am romanticizing.

I am kind of frustrated sometimes when I coach my young adults in finding an educational path and we search the market. Don't know, back then when I was in that age the opportunities sounded much nicer. Or am I getting old?

It vibrated to me how you put your activities together! Thanks!

Oh well....For now its just a thought but I would love to learn more about " finance" and to understand my Mac better :) I taught myself and many things I just don't understand. I will see where my thought will take me to.

Großartig! Ihr seid spitze!

Wir haben vor viele photos zu machen . Willst mitkommen??? Dienstag um 2pm

Wenn ich es schaffe früh genug vom Hof zu gehen, joine ich gerne! Treffpunkt ist direkt beim Tierheim oder wo?

Nein im 12ten Bezirk....I whatsapp you

Ausgezeichnet, Danke!

Ich melde mich am Dienstag . Have a nice weekend !

uiuiui ... jetzt, wo ich genauer darüber nachdenke, glaube ich, dass mich jemand beschützen muss, um mich nicht direkt in ein Kätzchen oder Hündchen aus dem Tierschutzhaus zu verlieben. Das fände unsere Miez zu Hause sicher gar nicht gut.

My cat Tim agrees that cats are special and sais hello :d
And chews my hand for no reason.

Hello and meow Tim ...where is the picture ????

But he clearly warned me not to even think of photoing him or I'm done :((

Haha you always make me laugh out super loud...Ok then Mister Tim....No pictures on steemit


Thats my Loki!

hahahaha cutiepie!!!

What are cats still great animals. They are descendants from the King of the jungle and they have an awesome attitude . It's good to read that steemit indirectly helps to support charities.

I did learn this about cats in the past 10 years of my life. As I mentioned, I was always more of a dog person. Anyways....I hoped to raise more than 300 Euro but @coneptgarage was happy and we are the moment we drop off food at the animal home here in Vienna.

This one, little ghost got swallowed by a python :(

Wow, that is shocking. luckily he is in good hands now!

Oh no I misunderstood it, what will you have been sad. Terrible that you have to experience this. We do not know these dangers in the Netherlands.

I bet you don't have pythons crawling around your bedroom :)

I can't think a life without cats.

TRUE THAT :) but unfortunately I can't have any pets at the moment but they all wait for me in Bali


its a real inspiration post. Appreciated much @mammasitta. Motivation quote absolutely superb. Keep going with steemit. Steem on....

Hahahaha hilarious!!!!

May be lol :P

its always fun to chat about those little sweeties

great video

Thanks much!

Excellent article.. I also love cats..

Wel done and perfect work...
Cheers~~~Such a wonderful photograpy by @mammasitta mam...


Oh nooooo.....A predator !!!

Nice video


Interesting type of art!
I'm a big animal lover too...I believe you can establish friendships with so many types of animals too :)
Enjoy Bali :)

I am not in Bali and I miss my kitties and dogs so much but European city life doesn't allow that kind of joy.

Merry Christmas!
Thank you @mammasitta for the pleasure of communicating with you! sweet! Happy New Year lovely Olga!!!

Hehe case to say that you kinda have something for cats you love them!!!

Meowwwww :)

Ha ha all funny cat

В Японии все любят котов. Встречала недавно такую гравюру

it depicts the acrobatic cat in the room (the Edo period), and the columns which usually go in this room, replaced with katsuobushi (dried fish shavings), which is so like to eat cats.

Never knew painting can be edible for cats ))

Wow. This is such a beautiful image!!!

I am loving cats aswell alot! We have 2 cats btw :) and just bought 2 movies about cats haha, 1 is a disneymovie and the other is a real movie.

Meowwowwww :) cats from top to toe

Is there a significance to Cats in Helmets?

Glad you're supporting the shelter! Our SPCA is one of my favorite charities as it supports homeless animals, mostly dogs & cats, that are otherwise lost or abandoned.

thats a good question I can't really answer :)
Yeah, We drop off food tomorrow and will take many photos. I have to hold myself back that I don't take some animals with me

I love cats but my little Max the dog is my heart. This is a fun post, I really enjoyed the artist's cat and your writing. ")

Meow sweet Max :) enjoy your Mom! 🤣🤣🤣


Great post. That person is really into Cats and also an amazing artist.

Thanks much . Glad you enjoyed !

Cats are the best! :)


A very purry meowwww to you too!

Nice video, cute and good post

so happy to hear that you liked my article

Your most welcome:)

Excellent article, thanks for sharing. I also love cats, but I like dogs more. Cats live by themselves, they are not manageable.

it might be interesting to research why we like cats or dogs more ....Maybe cats are more independent and dogs more loyal. Not sure. I will find out and research soon.

these videos are for whom who like animals,, are you??

are you asking me if I like animals? Oh yessssss! I do!

that's funny, ha??

thanks for writng :)

thanks for your comment

nice videos, thanks for sharing..

thanks much

images are magnific achievements @mammasitta

Glad you liked it

l think cats are the most lovable animals in the world. ıs not it?

Yes ! They are

Dogs are humans best friend.

many animals are not only dogs

pure animal lover....

Yes I am ! :)

Its a funny cat.....Nice video indeed.

very nice video and good post.

cat lovers <3 and i really appreciate the charity project you are gonna do in Vienna for these helpless animals..not all think like you hats off to you for your great way of thinking :)

Danke schön....picture will follow ....

Perfect quality post @mammasitta. Motivation quotes, videos and photos included.

My kitties in Bali cute kitty.

Cat's are good to have as pet they always make me happy by things they do.......Nice post @mammasitta .......Keep it up fella !!

sweet! yeahhhh i could not accept people who don't love animals

a very good post, and I'm interested in this picture

thanks much

excellent article.. I also love cats..


Cool !

Yep Keep Posting

Some pictures of cats are very cute and sweet, actually I like to keep cat.

its great thing when you get inspiration whatever it would be a cat but pretty good.

yessss.....animals always inspire me

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