When they departed,
Flew away
As birds pursued by cast stones,
We sighed,
Our faces housed smiles.
Since then,
Decades have rolled,
Our hopes have stayed alive.
When they left,
We dreamed
To shake the shackles off,
Restore voices,
Get rid of the lumps that blocked throats.
We had our good thoughts of leading the way.
When they left,
We were bestowed upon the task
Of quenching the thirst for knowledge by our children.
We knew we owned the land so we took it,
Hoping for the share of slaughter not of so much bones.
But now see where we are;
Trampled on the ground,
Dusted all over,
Feeding on bones as others feed on oiled flesh.
Our hands are cuffed in the unseen enslavement,
So when we cast aloud our voices,
The shouts are heard as cries of broken winged birds,
So they fade away in the ceaselessly blowing winds.
©Untamed Ink
My favorite quote

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outstanding writing... thanks for share
What an amazing post you shared with us