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RE: Do The Little Things In Life Really Matter?

in #inspiration7 years ago

WOW. There's so much I want to say in response to this post. You are a beautiful soul and I agree with everything this post is talking about. On behalf of humanity, thank you! One thing I have found since I began my spiritual transformation/journey is that sayings and phrases people hear all the time or consider to be cliche have so much depth and meaning if you take the time to reflect and look deeper. It's almost like saying a word over and over again until it doesn't sound like a word anymore; Except somehow, at least in my personal experience, with phrases and sayings I experience almost like a download of information. Suddenly, I am understanding the same concept in a million different ways, and from vastly different perspectives, I wish I could better articulate the experience. It is nice to see someone able to break it down for people to ensure that when we hear these sayings in every day life, we don't become so desensitized as to forget the true meaning.
A thought is such a small thing and yet, thoughts cause unimaginable effects. Lately, I have been asking myself throughout the day, "Who's aware that I'm thinking?" and just that alone has been enough to quell anxieties and even has helped me to avoid potentially serious PTSD flashbacks.
Have you ever seen cloud atlas?
“My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?”
This post is a great explanation of the same concept.
When I talk to friends who are less... I'm not sure... Spiritually/Universally connected, I often hear our size in relation to the rest of the universe as a reason why human life is nothing special, or that we are not spiritual beings, that we are just animals, etc etc. "it's about the little things" is a great counter-argument for that! The vast complexity of the entirety of the universe, would not be so if there were no planets or stars to fill it.
Look at what we have become aware of through the study of quantum physics (LOL literally the study of the little things in life) and how much teeny tiny units of matter impact our entire experience. Sorry for rambling. I was really touched by your post and think you have really got a knack for provoking conscious thought through your writing. I am starting a collective impact initiative for the conscious use of technology to create social change and community empowerment and I would love to work together somehow. I would also LOVE to talk personally about nearly anything. You can reach me on @meowzinator, or [email protected]

I appreciate you! Thank you for inspiring me first thing in the morning! <3


@meowzinator first off... thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts here. I really enjoyed reading this as I woke up this morning.

Your Cloud Atlas reference made me think of the Rumi quote: “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.”

It goes so deep...

In my opinion, there are absolutely limiations to our human aspects. There are biological limitations. I think that when you only accept your human nature to be the only "real" nature, that's when you cut yourself off from a tremendous expansive experience that exists far beyond the realms of the human body. We are, in my experience, much more than our body. Dr. Sheldrake (a fascinating scientist that you would enjoy if you have not heard of him) has been seeking to prove that the mind's neural network actually exists beyond the constraints of the brain, in more of a "cloud" network. I'm fascinated with comparing the physical technology we have such as computers, with our own consciousness. In my belief, if you can create something in the physical, then it must have first come from a non-physical space. If the concept works on earth, then it most certainly also exists beyond earth, and more importantly, within ourselves!

Thanks so much for your thoughts here. I am noting your email and have followed you on here. I'm also very interested in conscious approaches to technology. Would definitely be open to collaborating in the future!