In my last article I talked about the importance of setting goals. In this article I want to briefly talk about how to set achievable goals for yourself, and the importance of taking action.
Knowledge Isn’t Power
Learning is great and all, but knowledge is useless if you don’t put that knowledge into action. They say knowledge is power, but knowledge is only power if you turn it into actionable results.
Start Taking Action
So how do you start taking action and setting goals for yourself if you are constantly stuck in learning mode? I understand this problem, as I had it for a while myself. The best thing for you to realize is that if you never take action, you are never going to get anywhere.
Sometimes people literally need to force themselves to take action. It’s as simple as that. There’s really no secret behind it. People are afraid of taking action because they’re afraid of failure. Some are even afraid of success.
Failure is Necessary for Success
Failure is important for success, because you’ll learn what not to do and learn how to do it right. As for success, would you rather be a failure and broke your whole life? Or would you rather take that jump and start taking action so you can be an inspiration for other people?
If you feel like you can’t be a success for yourself, at least become a success for the people that have supported you along the way. Nothing would be a worse feeling than to fail and let the people that supported you down.
Goal Setting
When it comes to setting goals, it’s good to have a yearly goal, monthly goals, and daily goals. What do you want to accomplish by the end of the year, month, week, or day? Write these goals down a sheet of paper and look at them every day.
Having goals set by the end of the year is extremely important. That way you can start taking action on a daily basis to achieve them. Once you have a road map laid out in front of you, all you need to do is follow the daily goals you set for yourself.
Set Daily Goals the Night Before
What I like to do is set my daily goals the night before. That way I know what I need to get done the next day. I also like to know what I need to get done next by the end of the month, and do my best to reach those goals by the end of the month. See how it works? It is most helpful when you write your goals down and know what it is you are trying to accomplish.
Keep Pushing
I hope this helps you with achieving your goals, and helps you overcome some fears of failure and success that might be holding you back. Keep pushing through if things get challenging. If you’re not being challenged, you’re probably not doing it right.
I approach goals the same way, @musicman99. I set annual goals and then break them down into quarterly, monthly, and weekly. I have daily to-do lists that tie back to my weekly goals. I've also found that tracking how much money I earn on a daily basis helps motivate me. Great article!