Are you an emotional person? Do you sometimes let your emotions get the better of you, or worse, get you into trouble? Some people really struggle with this. I know for one that I am a very emotional person and it’s difficult dealing with these emotions at times.
Emotional People Feel Things Deeply
Very emotional people tend to be creative artists and entrepreneurs. We feel things very deeply and we want to make some kind of an impact on the world. Day jobs are incredibly boring for us because they offer really no sense of fulfillment or creativity.
Tips for Dealing with Negative Energy
When you get really mad or upset over the littlest things, how do you control that and channel this negative energy into more productive activities? I will give you some advice in this article from my own personal experience so that maybe it can help you feel more peace during your day.
Nothing is Worth Getting Upset About
The first thing to realize that when you get angry is that nothing is truly worth getting upset about. Most of the insignificant things that happen to us throughout the day are so small and miniscule that they don’t even matter. Ask yourself, “does this really have a huge impact on my day?” If the answer is no, chances are it’s most likely not worth getting upset over.
Start Writing Every Day
Another thing that has helped me is to start writing every day. Just take a pen and notebook, and start writing everything out that’s bothering you on paper. This will help to clear your thoughts immediately, and you will feel less upset about what was causing you grief before.
Start Meditating
I would also highly suggest practicing meditation on a daily basis and listen to calming music while you’re at it. These two activities alone, along with deep breathing techniques, really help calm the mind down and release a lot of negative emotions.
Do Things That Make You Smile
Do things during the day also that make you smile and laugh. If you’re working hard all the time with no play (all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy), you’re going to get stressed out and let little things bother you.
Most Things Are a Passing Fancy
The last piece of advice I can give you is to just realize that most things are just a passing fancy. Was someone rude to you at work? Was a relative or friend insensitive about your feelings or needs? Do what you need to do to fix it, and then get over it. There is no sense dwelling on negative emotions because they do nothing good for you.
We’re All Progressing
I believe that everyone is working on this. We are not perfect and of course we will at some point let things upset us. What matters is how we deal with it and move on from it. The more quickly you can move on from negative situations and emotions, the happier and more peaceful your life will become.
Xcellent post, I continually struggle with my emotions on a daily basis. I guess it makes sense that emotional people are more right-brained in their thought processes.
I wholeheartedly agree with writing down your thoughts every day. It makes for a good morning ritual and cleanses your mind.
Laughing is extremely important, and your other advice to write a journal and see things in perspective is also helpful.
I have a tendency of crying when I feel deeply emotional. My boss has seen me cry twice in her office in a span of a few short months; although these were tears of joy, they were brought on by powerful emotions I just couldn't control. I am not sure if this is good or bad...