The value system is the core of our individual development, which enables us to build our own world of rules, norms and behaviors that at a certain point in our lives begin to correspond and interact with the generally accepted ones.
The value system is the backbone of ,,ME" - and how we act on. All our relationships, every decision we make, every word we say express our value system.
The value system is built throughout the life , the beginning is in the first years of family and public education. It is absolutely individual to each person and relates to morality, ethics, conscience and reason. It is known that everyone has individual features that distinguish him from everyone else. Personality develops through work and life . Not every one manages to develop into himself in a great person.
Man and morality are inextricably linked, as in every society the actions of individuals have to be reconciled in general activity. Morality, by its very nature, is a set of rules for regulating the actions of man in society. Unlike written norms , such as the laws, morality is distinguished by its unwritten character. This is rather a set of rules that are implied by themselves, they are not imposed as a limitation from the outside through the power and will of an institution, as in the laws, but as a self-awareness of an internal ban and limitation.
Moral norms are generally related to conditional norms and principles of relationships between individuals. These norms are to educate the will of man, to develop his mind, to know his actions. We associate them with the individual human abilities to think and reason both for their own behavior and to make judgments about others' attitudes towards one's own self. So contacting people is accordet to OUR similar perceptions, thoughts and reasoning. Here we have to mention ethics , because it is the basis of human morality. Ethics and morality, as a phenomenon of public consciousness, complement and enrich each other. Ethics is a collection of human knowledge and beliefs concerning the study and tracing of moral norms.
By changing the value system one can change in both positive and negative aspects.
It is the value system that allows us to distinguish between moral and unmoral, between spiritual and material, between friendship and betrayal. It is the mechanism that is built up of personal characteristics, principles and knowledge.
But the motivation for such a change comes only with a pragmatic assessment of what YOU want to do .
A prerequisite for the transition of man into personality is the higher degree of self-knowledge.
With a properly built value system and education in virtues we learn to discern good and bad . Later, they develop in the organization, enterprise, or company we work in. Another is the question that moral norms and values
can be different for everyone. Material goods are valuable for one , and for others this are educational and spiritual. When we live in a life full of many breakthrough moments - solving problems and questions is shedding just those qualities of the system that can not survive, diminish or change. Life itself is a struggle of values. The success of the company or organization is because the moral, it will not even be exaggerated if I say this can be said to a whole nation. The collective is cohesive ready for mutual help, interaction, work and progress if there is a good moral !
Where everything is based on honesty, integrity and responsibility, achievements are great and human relationships are normal.
Dear friends what are YOUR MORAL VALUES - Material goods or education , spiritual , and love ?
Dont forget to join us in Discord Whaleshares !
Stay positive and many smiles !!!
great post.
please follow me.
Hello this is nit how it works will you like to answer on this comment ?
great post..
nice to see some posts like that.
Hey can i talk to you ?
Fifth time today answer your comments :)
Thank you for this motivational posts. The value that i treasure the most is kindness and the whole world could do with more kindness.
Let us change the world starting small :)
nice post please visit my blog.My new post: ,Upvoted
Hello, this isnt the right behavior for steemit . Do you want to change this and get rewarded ? Please answer to this comment !
Upvoted & RESTEEMED!
Thank you for this , do you want to earn something ? Please answer on this comment !
education,morals,beliefs,spiritual and love are everything we couldn't compare them to possessions and money the first ones have values,priceless on the other hand the latter ones have price don't have value at all
So true , money give us hard times but without love what for we live ?
This is what I truly respect from you @patelincho you always spread positivity to people around and keep empowering them from time to time :)
Have a great day
I hope i am helping people and give them some positivity :) Have a great day with many smiles :)
I appear to be tough customers here. I guess I would be middle of the road for most some of these things and not at all for others. After writing I guess my moral values would have to be knowledge but not education. With everything else just being there in the background.
Material goods
Well, a guy’s got eat right? So some kind of money is needed can’t eat education or love all on its own. I need a computer, the internet, a bed, and dry place to keep these things. I really could care less about any of these things being a new thought. I’ve had 8-year-old computers before it’s not a big deal with this several-year-old ones gets much older. My ISP is a yo-yo so I really just deal with it as it is. As long as the roof is not leaking on the pc or the bed while I sleep I just don’t really care much else about it.
So many people are caught up in material goods. They end up going into massive debt over them and working vast sections of their life to just pay off the debt for something that’s outdated and broken a few months later. Never really got the attraction of new shoes, or flashy clothing. It's all kinda meh and pointless the next year anyway.
I’ve honestly hated education in the normal since most of my life. It’s boring and never provides anything overwhelming useful in changing my life. It’s like this thing people put into a box and you get to only draw items out of that box to use them. Far too many “smart” people are not that bright after interacting with them for a while. I rather have knowledge over an education. That you can draw from anything and take or pull it from anywhere even outside of a box. You don't have to go into endless debt that will take you 20 years to pay it back for something that may or may not work out in the end.
With that said it’s often frustrating controlling one's knowledge. Mine could easily be in ways I view as unethical and harmful to the human spirit. I could easily solve my own problems in life by just giving in and selling my soul to a corporate soulless entity. They seem to bent on enslaving and gaining more mass control over the population with out much thought. But I know such things in my heart are wrong so it’s a slippery slope. So easy to cause pain and damage just moving some basic numbers around in accounting systems in ways that no one would ever think of doing so. Enabling companies who want to do things while also shackling their competition and consumers to endless debt in trying to keep up.
Spiritual and Love
I honest tolerate these things enough to remain human. These things often appear meaningless words that people tend to use out of kindness toward others. Something you feel one day but not the next so a lack of permanence at least for me. I’m smart enough to realize I’m too dumb to fully understand these things in the way some people do. I would never just go and pick up my life on a whim to go across the world chasing a love or a god. Both interesting topics, but nothing I have any particular interest in.
This realy desurve biger answer but i will just invite you in Discord and we can discus this any time :)
I’m not much of a talker. I am already in your guys and a few others. I tend to get myself in trouble when in text chat when I am in such places hehe.
I am Looking forward to your next blog that inspires me to leave a longer comment. Have a wonderful day.
Moral values comes from inner consciousness , i am a spiritual person so spirit is my feed of values.
Yes you are and you help so much with advises :)
Honesty is the most moral value to me. Great article.
Wow great add , is something i really value also !
That's great.
For me that is base of all values.
Without it, every other thing will just fail.
If you don't love something you are doing, it's not worth it.
Spread the love! <3
I think the same , love is so many feelings together :)
My morals are love and spirituality like the spiritual love we have for each other lubov moja. Obicham te surce moe!

I know this my love , my heart is all yours !
And mine is yours

The true and forever love ?
Forever and ever

Your Love is everyting i need :)
...And our individual morality is constructed by a Sum of our experiences & exposure to high vibrating philosophy
As harder life you have so much you learn to value the right things :)
Only spiritual & love!!!

and SPORT!))
I have seen this giff how many timse you add it in your comments ? You think is the best topic for it ? I agree sport it has value but we speak about something related to emotions .....
Very good thoughts. If the society is taught the moral values and compassion then nobody goes to bed hungry. Thanks for spreading the love. Resteemed. Cheers!!!
Thank you for support and kind words , you are good soul your musik shows this :)
I took a morals and ethics class one time. I thought we were going to learn some profound shit, but instead we just spent the semester tearing holes in theories of people who had taken the time to try to figure it out. After much reflection I settled on "try not to be a dick."
Haha i love it ! I try hard to not be a bick !
Love is the only thing which people really want in this world. People fall in love with their art, money, music, hobby. Everybody wanna love and in return to be loved.
Love is a great motivation in this world :)
Like I always love to read your posts. I think you also love my arts.
Yes i do :)