Stop Avoiding The Real Work

Your hands are tired with all the pushing and working and still not getting where you want to go...

You are not scared of hard work - No, not you!

You are, however pretty scared of your real work...

The internal work of building belief and changing your mind and remembering who you are and reconnecting with the Divine in a meaningful way scares you because you will have to trust and that does not come naturally to you.

The external work of creating a life that allows you to live out your purpose and calling scares you because it is okay not to do well at the thing you don't care about but you do not want to put yourself out there with your true purpose and then be rejected!!!!!

How hurtful and soul-destroying would that be?

And so you keep working hard in a life you do not adore telling yourself you have no choice...

Or telling yourself that you do not know what you are here to do.

All lies...

And the Divine whispers within you...

Calling you back to your true design

Opportunities are placed in front of you...

And you look at them with suspicion...

Too many bad things have happened to you and as much as you claim to believe that the Divine is for you, you are toooooo scared to fully trust that and do the internal work of shifting your beliefs and your doubts.

And so you are here, stuck, fed up but refusing to do what needs to be done.

Bemoaning your existence but at the same time, strangely addicted to the struggle.

Well, your choice, I suppose...

You can keep telling yourself that there is no time, no money, no support, no knowledge available...

You can keep working your fingers to the bone in a life you do not love

Or you can dare to do something different.

I have 3 options for you...

They are not the only opportunities for you but I do believe you are here for a reason and the Divine will lead you to the best one for you

  1. FREE: The Simple 7 Day Prosperity Miracle Experiment —
  2. THE DELIBERATE SUCCESS INCUBATOR for the driven and determined who KNOW they are born to prosper — Begin your 14 day trial for $14 at
  3. Work with me one on one — RISE — the 4 hour coaching intensive where you shift the blocks that keep you from prosperity in any area of your life — to find out more

Much Amazing Love

Rosemary Nonny Knight