Philosophy (of daily life)


I would like to warn all those who might see philosophy as a firm and absolute answer to their existential questions. I'm not a guru, and I don't want it. The essence of philosophy is to question, to set in motion, to get out of oneself and see what the world is like. Questioning stops with a probable answer. For a while. Philosopher is a new question to get everything going again. In this series, I propose you to put us back in motion by and according to our daily life.

The dawn

This moment of the day so neglected and for good reason. If we had to become aware every day of the greatness and beauty of the day, of every day, life would be very difficult. We would have difficulty understanding why we neglect our lives, why we destroy nature, why so much violence and hatred. This would be the important day of the health specialists, we would have contracted the evil of the century, leaving at the same time a deep nihilism. Nietzsche would be happy, the vital force would regain its rights, no longer being able to use this as a pretext and its opposite so as not to do, not to surpass, not to dare. Finally,"he would say," at last the intelligence takes its place and gets squeezed by the body. Finally, we see clearly what we can do by abandoning the zombie of our past existence. Finally, the light is shed on our state and we commit ourselves to ourselves and without reference in this world here below. God died after all.

But the current state of affairs is quite different. The rate at which we act and respond to reality should make us realize that we are not thinking much. Questioning stops the flow, it is an obstacle that we can bypass without too much damage, without too much risk. We are masters of this refusal to think. We act by thinking quickly, fed by (I will say a bad word) prejudices and opinions. Sometimes it turns out to be fair. It's often dramatic, but it hides well. A little bit of change management and we're back on track for a quarter or two, if we're lucky. The overanalysis of the situation in international politics comforts us by finding, so to speak, a cause for a tragic event or for the grotesque candidate for the American presidency. On the personal side, conscious meditation, the kombucha and the unsuspected benefits of the kale answer without too much effort to the incessant questioning of the world. And yet, all thinkers have said it and so have all times:

He was

there is not

of revenue


to give

a sense

to our existence.

We first become aware of this reality in our flesh. It hurts like hell. In the strong sense of the word. It is then, when the body is bruised and the rhythm is slowed down by the lack of vital momentum, that the questioning is made possible. This awakening to our common experience must be a self-confidence.

The comprehension of reality is etymologically a catch, a catch with oneself. It's the work of the body, the hand. As thrown into existence without reference, the shining of our reality is first and foremost suffering. To not want to suffer is to miss humanity in itself. Asking a question is listening to a desire, the desire to understand.

To ask a question is to listen to the pain of our ignorance. Not asking questions is believing that we know. It makes us feel full when we are empty.

To shout that human existence makes sense is not to want to face life. She doesn't have a de facto one, we have to give her one.

The dawn to oneself is often painful like the mornings of insomnia.


Awakening to oneself is also taking note of reality. The light changes on the world, bringing its absurdity to our eyes. If self-awareness is suffering, awakening to reality and absurdity leaves us no rest possible.

Without falling into a tragic analysis of history, we have to admit that we live in a world where the challenge par excellence is to live together, propelling us into the dimensions of ethics and politics. That is where we see the atrocities that would be a long and hazardous list. How and why continue to live peacefully in this low world if daily life brings us back into this shit? Is that only possible? Is that only desirable?

Can we

at man's height


to make a difference?

To illustrate this capture of reality, Camus said that the countryside is black with sun. Black of sunshine, as at noon when there is no shade possible to reclaim our minds. Always this clarity so powerful that it forces us to close our eyes halfway. Always this heat that melts our state of being reducing almost to nothing any real action.

This lighting does not make the world a better place, it shows us raw. Her shine is unbearable. We must act in response to this shock of reality.

To the excesses with which absurdity incarnates itself in the world, we would be more than trying to respond to it with our own excesses. In fact, we excel there: blindness, disempowerment, recklessness, injustice, atrocity, daily indignation on the RS.

This produces


of absurdity.

Well done!

Answering implies a measure of our actions. Knowledge. Experience. We must respond to him as much as possible. Not to amplify the situation or without knowing how to recreate it.

In short, it takes effort to first accept and acknowledge and then reform. Because no, it is not done alone! Change, which organically will take place and take its place, must be orchestrated together.

To accept the absurd to refuse it is to act as a human being, as a free and intelligent being.

It is acting in a way to deal with the absurd.

Not everything is possible for us,

you have to know how to recognize it in order to create

what we have left of the world.

But, you're right, it's lunch time, it's hot, it's better to do our little business. There will certainly be kekun who will take care anyway!


The more light is shed on the world and our daily lives, the more insistent, demanding and therefore distressing the search for answers will be. The lifting of the veil is a requirement and we want everyone to succeed.

If we want the best for us, we want to share it, make it accessible to all. We are not looking at an asset that we can own. We have a duty to share it and make people more human.

The light then falls on the world, the landmarks crumble, the acts are less distinct. As the noise diminishes, our voice is suppressed by the excessive silence of our fellow human beings in response to the world. We try to translate reality into words, but few understand them or want to listen to us.

What can we say to make ourselves heard? What can we do to awaken desire?

Colours? Spectacular?

We get used to everything, even the exceptional.

The light attracts the eye, but does not force us to stand up. We can only train the other to do it on his own.

The grower cannot grow the fruit of his cultivation of strength. Even with the most meticulous care, know-how and experience-based practice, there will always be a part of his harvest that escapes his work. The seed does not germinate. The same goes for the "gardener of men".

We will never succeed in making the human being fully connoisseur and free. Because truth is not attainable, we are destined to constantly create and recreate ourselves. Always pushing us on the path. We will always be ignorant and slaves of whatever.