We live in a world where we were brought up to have this "perfect" life - this ONE life story that’s been written for us. You know the story I'm talking about - the follow the rules, go to school, graduate from college/university, find a full time job, get married, have kids, and then retire at the age of sixty five, kind of life.
If that is the so-called "perfect" life we are supposed to live, then it sure sounds like a death trap to me. Nowhere in that equation does it teach us how to be FREE. Free from our jobs, debts, bills, corporations, control systems - government, politics, taxes, school and so on. In that "perfect" life, we are trapped in a cycle of consumerism and debt; we are merely robots programmed to think we have "choice”. Yet all our choices have been made for us - we choose from political parties that’s been pre-selected, school is mandatory from four years old, we don’t get to choose the classes we take in school, we choose university programs that’s already been filtered, our job choices come from these limited university programs that certifies us (for work that we cannot find) and along the way, we’ve inherited a shit load of debt that we spend our whole life paying off. The saddest part of all this is, we have now lost sight of who we are. Can you truly say that you chose this life you're living in from FREE WILL? How many decisions have you made, comes from whom you truly are? Are you happy with this "perfect" life? Have you ever thought there has to be more to life than this?
I'm thirty years old, and I’ve surely never lived a "perfect" life – I’ve never climbed the corporate ladder, I’ve dropped out of high school at the age of eighteen, but still managed to complete a college diploma and university degree, I've changed jobs a dozen times, I've moved out of my home city for a leap of faith, I’ve been told I’m crazy and weird my whole life, and my parents think there’s something wrong with me. I’ve been judged, discouraged and frowned upon, but I would make the same choices all over again. Why? Because I’ve found what truly matters in life – I found purpose.
I found purpose in giving back to the world
I found purpose in finding the truth of our existence
I found purpose in discovering who I truly am
I found purpose in living the life I want to live
I found purpose in happiness and abundance
I found purpose in learning how to love unconditionally
I found purpose in being alive
What is your purpose?