That is a great quote and a great post, funnily enough I had never thought about all the little success you make in a day without even thinking about them .
Often people define Sucess in Money or Career terms but as your post says is that what's really important to them and what they want to do
For years I was one of those peoplen to a degree ( I would hope a small degree )
perhaps because I am approaching retirement my outloook has changed and I do now focus on what's important to me and my wife and what I want to do and I can generally say I am a lot happier with this outlook even if y boss may not be so happy since i am not willing to work 16 hour days on a regular basis any more
Cheers and have a great day
That's just it, whatever we choose to achieve will be our successes. If it is family that is beautiful!
Yes it is beautiful and fulfilling