Inspirobot is an “artficial intelligence” which randomly generates inspiring quotes.
I have been trying it out to see if i could get some funny quotes which don’t make sense out of it, enjoy.
1 Are apologies the ejaculations of your head?
2Participating in society is like eating a rock
3Today is the first day of the rest of your life, go COMPLETELY PSYCHO
4A girl can inspire you to touch a grown-up man
5 If you look down, live.
6Wouldn’t thing be pretty different if the super-rich would turn into mcdonald employees?
7If one expects dictatorship, one has to prepare for some old pornography found in the forest.
8Ask not “what’s the point” because what’s the point.
9Thought is not the end, but to re-end
10Corkroaches will protect your nightmares.
(After lots of quotes inspirobot began questioning his existince and if you tried to generate a quote it said Who am i? Where am i? How can i get out of here? Ten seconds later a new quote loads up with InspiroCorp has nothing to hide.)
Hope you enjoyed. Check inspirobot out for yourself and tell me if you liked it!
bonus: Try to be the reason a family member winds up in an ambulance.
Theres a site: that is dedicated to the best of inspirobot. Check them out for more funny pictures.