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RE: Motivation sucks!

in #inspiration8 years ago (edited)

What you are talking about is the difference between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Many companies have no clue but it is a hugely important concept. Extrinsic motivation is basically carrot and stick approach: both are bad
Intrinsic motivation is what you describe. Check out Dan Pink: he is a master at explaining this!

Is what you have to do aligned with something you support, your own goals and values?

are people micro managing you? Can you take initiative?

Do you have control over the things that you are asked to do?

Also check out Scott Adams about passion: his argument is that passion is overrated:

Correlation is not causation:

Are successful people successful because they were passionate in the first place or
did they find something that worked, got positive feedback loops going and turned passionate because it worked.

It passion was enough, check out American Idol.
All these people are passionate, why aren't they all rockstars then?

Very often we make assumptions in life that are upside down, read Scott's article, will make you think!


Thank you for sharing this video. It's awesome!