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RE: I Extend To You an Invitation

in #inspiration7 years ago

There’s an old saying that mustard won’t grow where it’s not wanted and I think: isn’t that the same for us as well?
If you spend your time around those who just put up with you or even dislike you then how can you grow and flourish?
The answer must be to move away from that by moving towards where you are liked and wanted, where your energy is not taken for granted or put down for being different from the norm.
If you’re being strangled by those around you then how can you grow to be what you are meant to be?
But if there is no recourse but to stay where you are then to make the best of it is the only thing to do and perhaps a window box on life that is just for you and no one else and to grow there your heart’s delight even though it may only be a dream.
Plant it and let it grow and watch your dreams come to be and if you want it enough it may just happen.


Thank you for this reflection. Yes life does move us around, or sometimes hold us in one place. Learning to love and accept it is a beautiful thing :)