Sssshhhhhhhh!! Dont tell...Dont

in #inspirational7 years ago (edited)

The reason why ur plans fall through whenever you tell somebody else is that the person you tell is soaked with unbelief that the plan wont work- it becomes worse when the person starts explaining the reasons to you why it wont work. When u thought up the plan, u were almost certain it would work and thats faith even wen d plan isnt solid. But when u tell somebody, be it out of logic or envy the person tries to explain the flaws of the plan to u thereby creating the doubt. Do u rememba peter walkin on water? He walked till doubt nd unbelief set u remember joshua and his comrades when they wanted to tk down d wall of jerico wit jst music? He told all to keep quite so that d person doesnt create doubt or unbelief. Do u remember Jesus in his hometown whr he culdnt do wonderous miracles bcuz of the peoples unbelief? Any task undertaken is carried out in faith that God will see it through, theres no plan ever made that is 100% failure proof - all plans have their flaws. When you Consider the flaws, you give yourself another new reason why the plan wont work... its alot better to think of the reasons why d plan will work bcuz that wuld infuse positive energy in u...avoid tellin people who dont believe in u or ur abilities about ur plans they will only provide the bulk of the negative enery to annahilate ur plans. Even if the person is ur mum or ur dad or ur sibling or ur spouse; as long as they doubt ur abilities, telling them ur plans will never be fruitful so dont... it isnt witchcraft, it jst old fashioned unbelief.. the best tin to do is to keep ur plans to urself until it materializes...