The tendency to sin is a condition that we all have to admit to.

in #inspirational7 years ago


In today’s gospel, the scribes used words that exposed what was in their minds and hearts. Without understanding the truth of the matter, they made accusations against Jesus that were evils in themselves.🤔

a. He is possessed, not by just any ordinary demon, but by Beelzebub the prince of demons.
b. It is through the power of the demon in him that he expels evil spirits from others.

They were saying that what Jesus did was not the work of the Holy Spirit🕊 but the work of the devil. They refused to acknowledge the good in him🙅‍♂. In effect, they were saying that Jesus was the instrument of the devil. That REFUSAL to see God’s goodness is what ”blasphemy against the Holy Spirit" mean. Once we are in a position that we have closed our minds to God’s presence in our lives, how can God reach us❓He cannot, he will not reach into a heart that has closed itself tight. He will never force his way in. Love is not love if it is not free. Remember Revelation 3:20, that He can only stand at the door 🚪of our hearts 💕 and knock, and we can only open from inside.

The tendency to sin is a condition that we all have to admit to. Furthermore, it is not just a tendency, it is also an actuality, because the fact is that we sin🤦‍♀. Yet, very often, sin can be subtle that we might be blinded to the fact that it is a sin. For example, telling colourful jokes, 🗣gossiping about the faults of others, selfishness, greed, etc.

All those are sins in varying degrees of gravity, but we might be unconscious to the fact that it is destroying us.🙉 Or we rationalize it away and say that it is part of our human nature and there is no big deal about it.🙊 Yet the Holy Spirit 🕊 will continue to prod us in order to make us realize our sinfulness and to ask for mercy and forgiveness. And of course the evil spirit🧟‍♂ will also tell us that minor sins are alright, and after a while a lot of sins will seem to be like minor sins and we will tell ourselves that it is still alright❗🙇🏻‍♂

  • May the Holy Spirit 🕊 lead us to see the holiness of God and the love He showed in Jesus on the cross, then we will know that sin, in any form, is indeed detestable. 🙏🏻 *

Have a grace filled working week