Discover yourself
No one will make you, no one will discover you, no one will fuel your dream or make it a reality. Do not sit around dreaming and hoping that someone will come to your door to save you, or to take you away from the issues in your life. Come to terms that the issues exist in your life because your choice and your decision created them in some way. Perhaps the reason you have not arisen from the issues in your life is because there is a deep rooted lesson to learn from them and you have not yet learned it. Perhaps in order to make your dream come true you must do more than dream. You must commit, be determined, have faith and above all sacrifice all your wants, needs and desires for that dream. There comes a time in your life that you must comprehend that if dreams were easy to make real, everyone would be successful. In truth nothing comes easy and no one is going to make you become more than you can be, more than the heavens chose you to be.
For you see that when you were born you were instilled with the very frequency of the universe, the very attributes and abilities to alter the course of history and the lives of others. You were born with a dream, a dream to be someone or something different. Yet overtime society and people destroyed our beliefs by telling us that it wasn't possible, it couldn't happen and perhaps we did not have what it takes to make it real.
Why did it fade?, Because it was not meant to be?
Who stated that?, our doubts and fears?
We go about life complaining about the things we do not have, or the things that have gone wrong. Instead we should be rejoicing the things we do have in our lives. Such as the people who love us, the potential we were born with and the skills and talents that we have mastered. We need to stop looking at the issues, the problems, the people who hold us back and stop giving so much energy to them if we want to overcome those hurdles. Instead of focusing on the drama, pay heed to the solution that lies right before your eyes. Listen to your intuition to guide you and stop trying to make sense of it, because in life it doesn't have to make sense to anyone but you.
Just come to terms that everything that was ever conceived or created in life, that changed the course of history did not make sense to anyone but the creator. Everyone else thought them to be strange, weird, crazy, different and that is okay, because in the end it is those who think outside the box of normality that discovers the secrets to evolution. to change, to overcoming the odds some perceived to be impossible. So be crazy, be different, be unique and make that dream real because no one else will.
"Dwell not on that on that or those whom you cannot change nor alter, but solely focus on that which we can"
~ George Mercado
Thank you. I need it to remind myself.
My pleasure and honor, thank you for enjoying it.