in #inspirational7 years ago

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Love is one of the most abused and misused word cos of the different knowledge and interpretation of what love is to different individuals.

What or who love is?

God is love and love is God. And for me to know how to love I need God
Loving the right way is loving the God way
God started by showing us this mystery called love that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. This was because God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
Believing leads to Accepting Christ (accepting true love)
If you love me you would keep my commandments.
Here we see that love and obedience work hand in hand. Obedience is an expression of love and love is an expression of obedience.

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What love is?
Love is kind
Love is patient
Love does not boast
Love does not cheat
Love is caring
Love is not proud
Love is not jealous
Love does not easily pick offence
Love is not carnal
Love is eternal
Love is slow to anger
Love seeks for the good of others
Love never fails
Love never gives up
Love sees the need of others
Love is pure
Love is understanding
Love is sacrificial
Love is spiritual.

God is spirit so therefore love is spiritual.
Its a decision to know God. Love is a decision to serve each other with our God given talents and gifts and as well feed this world of darkness with our purpose of lighting and salting this earth.
Love for the things of the world is hatred to God.
If you don't know God, you can't love the God way.
This expression of our love to God can be found in our love for others. If you don't love your brother that you see how can you say that you Love God that you don't see. With a knowledge of God we learn that loving our neighbors is loving God.

Who is my neighbor?
Everyone and anyone
Those in need and those without needs
The rich and the poor
And my enemy.

How do I love my neighbor?
Love your neighbor as yourself and also as Christ loves us that he laid down his life for us.
So choose to love the right way. You can never be wrong with God. God bless you.

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Perfect love CASTETH out fear 🙌

Yea it does.

My dear, thanks for sharing...
Unfortunately we human don't know how to show love....lust, infatuation is the order of the day now.
When you love someone you can't steal from him, backbite,envy etc...
No human can love us more than our Lord..
Am so glad He loves even me........

You welcome. Thanks

Nice very very nice lovely good Loving pic I interacting ..joseph100.,.you steemit peag... Laik komints replay follow me thanks,♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥🎋🎋🎋