Mind your own business

in #inspiring7 years ago

If he didn’t sleep with your husband, why analyze him for hours with your girlfriends at the expense of your time? Live a focused life. Stop indulging yourself with matters that don’t concern you.

Learn to say NO. Don’t be a people pleaser. You are not an ambulance in waiting for people with emergencies. Help where you must. Other people’s priorities must not precede yours. Even though we are called upon to give back to the society, this too must be structured, not sporadic and haphazard.

Develop a prototype that guides your day. A master piece that defines what success looks like. Never go to sleep till you succeed. Till you achieve your targets for the day. Work on purpose not on psyche. Don’t wait for perfect conditions to do stuff. Brace yourself and get your feet wet.

Clear your desk off clutter. Clutter blurs creativity and distracts focus. Arrange your wardrobe and tidy up your kitchen. Keep your car neat. Some people’s cars are like an open market, everything is scattered. Chaos hinder productivity.

Turn off your TV and gadgets. Work offline. Schedule when to make calls and when to catch up with news. Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours as Bill Gates.

Avoid multi-tasking. You compromise your efficiency when you multi task. Your brain is optimal when you do one task at a time.

If you follow these instructions, you’ll lead a focused life.

People who are not focused scatter their efforts. Since they attend to too many things, their lives are full of intense pressure and emergencies, from one urgent agenda to the next. Running late for appointments because they want to please everyone. They accommodate everyone and everything on their agenda. A focused person is in control of his day, his agenda and his life.

People who are not focused try to gamble their way to sudden wealth, easy money and overnight success not realizing they’ve been trapped by an illusion, a mirage, a wealth creation delusion.

A lot of people jump into opportunities emotionally. They are victims of get rich quick schemes. They listen to a sensational presentation on real estates, holiday packages, multi-level scheme and other promising investments and they jump into the ‘opportunity’ without a second thought. Lack of focus makes you vulnerable to deception and manipulation.

As long as you’re focused, you’ll look slow to opportunists. Those who rise to the top focused and mastered one craft so much that they were the very best in what they did. Whether in the world of scholars, arts, sports, politics, religion or business, only those who led a focused life reached the top of the food chain and lived a fulfilled life.