in #instagram-analytics5 years ago (edited)

 Improve the marketing performance by using the inosocial best analytic tool to experience the new chapter of your business life by considering people’s needs or desires with Instagram metrics better than always

Success is impossible without Instagram analytics tools for active Instagram business accounts!

Knowing a complete list of Instagram tracker tools are absolutely essential to the success of Instagram marketing because today, with measuring the Instagram metrics and activities, you will see the steady Instagram growth as well.

Why are most Instagram marketers testing a variety of ways to analyze the performance of their accounts? There might be a few reasons!  Maybe they are looking for the most efficient  Instagram analytics resonates with their needs, and of course, we can not take a blind eye to make money and the massive popularity it can bring up for them.

And it is good to know that it is the power of Information that build up your business. It won’t be solved actually without competitors’analysis.

Now, to serve the customers as a waitress for achieving the marketing goals, walk through this guide to get the beneficial Instagram analytics roles.

Instagram analytics Increases the engagement

Now, it is time to get how to track Instagram metrics with the power of Instagram analytics tool to increase engagement.

It is undeniable with Instagram analytics reach the average Instagram engagement rate is more convenient, and every Instagram business account needs to know these critical factors to appear stronger than other competitors in this space.

Some essential terms put in this list:Reach: The number of specific users that saw your Instagram post or story on any given day

Impressions: The number of times the content, whether a post or a story, was shown to users

Engagement Rate: This is the post engagement divided by post impressions.Saved Posts: The number of users who saved your Instagram posts

Instagram Stories: to see how people view and interact with the Instagram stories

The interesting point is that your success depends on these simple metrics at a glance. Whenever marketers want to know where a business account stands among +30 million active Instagram business accounts, these parameters come to eyes to evaluate the Instagram performance and strategy.

All of the marketing attempts are on the head of average Instagram engagement rate that is 4.7%

Instagram insight is crucial to success as an analytic tool

Instagram Insights is an Instagram analytics tool that comes to help the Instagram marketers community with its useful facilitates known as Instagram users demographics to grow your Instagram business account.

It provides Instagram stats on content, engagement, and user action. This information lets you track and measure the Instagram marketing efforts to help you consistently improve.

Profile view, website clicks, follower, impression are the Instagram data Instagram insight can give time to timeIt is a beneficial option as a free Instagram follower tracker for those who can access their public Instagram accounts from the cellphones. Totally, it is a useful discovery tool that is right inside the app that captures and estimates the Instagram statistic accounts.

 The result of your marketing efforts summarized in insights for specific posts and stories you’ve created to see how each performed and how people engaged with them.

Key points to get the acceptable feedback from Instagram analytics tools

Let me mention that a good Instagram report contains the items below

  • Selecting the right target Instagram presence
  • Using mentions for Instagram accounts could be leading to future partnerships
  • posting at the best time of each day
  • Publishing at least three Instagram posts in a day
  • Taking advantage of the comments or stories for more engagements.

Use the best Instagram analytics tool

Considering all about Instagram insight app that is accessible from Instagram business pages. You can still sense having a lack of an Instagram analytics tool act as one of the best Instagram growth services to start to grow the business by analyzing Instagram metrics data for building up the effective marketing strategies.It is your right to select the most appropriate performance tools to measure your Instagram engagement rate as well as the impression to be specified what kind of achievements you have made.

Inosocial can help marketers to take the right path throughout their Instagram marketing journey to bring lifechanging changes into their businesses with plenty of parameters powerful metric tools.

The advantage Inosocial analytic tool

Imagine you are going to pay on the Instagram business expenses, what the main points persuade you to go through with an Instagram analytics tool?

In response to this question, I should announce that, considering the tool features are more likely to attract the attention to try it out.

Consider critical factors such as Free trial, supporting both personal and business accounts, reasonable price based on services received will lead us to no need to think of another social media analytics product in the long run.

Use the full capacity of our Instagram analytics tools advantages to boost up the brand engagement

  • Get the audience’s growth report for every social media account separately.
  • Use it 7 days free trial.
  • Provide with all in one social media analytical report;
  • Available for both personal and business social media accounts
  • Run a social media campaign by considering the engaged users
  • Connect the Google analytics to get data to of the website traffic and visitors’ demographics

Social media metrics are what kills or breathe life to the businesses for Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and youtube accounts.

Fortunately, this social media analytics tool is an all-in-one platform that not only manages all social media in one place but also provides you with every social media accounts statistics and reports. Indeed this is a full package with so many features  such as

  • Automatic Scheduler
  • Data Analytics Tools
  • Social media monitoring reports
  • Social media performance tracking
  • Content measuring
  • Best keywords tracker

How to build an Instagram analytics report

After signing up to Inosocial, there is a need to login to the dashboard and work with any services you prefer most, here I want to explain Instagram analytics steps.

  1. Login to inosocial dashboard and enter your Email and Password

 2. After signing, set the timezone based on the location 

 3. Go to Services tab, and choose Add services 


4. In this step, you can add every social media account

5. Tap on Add option of Instagram

6.  Three options appear, choose the first one,” Instagram Streams &Analytics.” 

 7. Then you will be asked to enter your Instagram username and password 

 8. After that, it needs to be authorized to sync the InoSocial dashboard with the Instagram account to access necessary information, Click on Authorized 


9. After that, a combo box appears to select how to receive for new activities

  • Inbox Only
  • Inbox and Email
  • Email-only
  • None

Select the most suitable one and click on Save Setting 

 10. Finally, your Instagram account added to Inosocial dashboard

 11.  Now, Go to Measure tab and select Report Builder 

 12. Type a Report name and Report title for your report (and select the period you want), Now tap on Select layout button

  13. Here, choose a layout and click on Create Report 

14.  This window comes in turn of the setting you did to add the module 

15.  Go to the Channels tab, and select the Instagram account you ‘ve added 

 16. Click on + sign to add the essential Instagram metric to the Instagram report 

17.  Now go to My Reports section to see all of the reports you have created for every social media or all of them. 


What are the Inosocial Instagram metrics?

Instagram activity overview: This metric gives you general information about the Instagram account by Filer Date (1Jan-31Jan)

  • Followers
  • Following
  • Posts

 Audience Growth: It shows the growth of your Instagram followers by day in over a period of time.The chart fluctuation shows better this growth and shrinking of the audience detail. 

 Followers Metrics:   Follower metric is showing the followers you gained in a particular interval as well as your following people in a while (1Jan-31Jan), but Total you follow refers to the number of audiences that have been followed from the first time of establishing the account up to now. 

 Top Instagram posts: It is obvious that the posts that have the most engagements (comments, likes) are available.most of the marketers assess this metric to find whether theirs targeted valuable posts went viral or not and I think it is the most useful point to run a contest for to reach the number of likes you want. 

 Publishing:  It is another important metric to analyze the Instagram business page performance. It divided into two parts Messages Per Day and the Best time to post.

Messages per day: display how many comments received in publishing the posts on each date.

Best time to post: It acts as an indicator to show in which time range the account gets the most engagements. For instance, 10 PM was the best time to post on Instagram from 1Jan to 31Jan 

 Publishing Metrics: It provides you with the total number of media sent, comments received Also, Total comments in a while(1Jan-31Jan) are available separately. 

 Audience Engagement:It shows the connection between the number of posting in a day with likes and comments gained, which are specified with three colors in the below chart. Also, it is like an analytics metric that shows which days had the most engagement and analyzes which posts come to top posts in your Instagram report.

So, it is good to know to publish three posts at least during a day.  

Engagement Metrics:The result of engagement metrics is in a table format that estimates all comments from all Instagram posts in compersion to the comments for the posts plus the amount of likes and sent posts in this selected duration (e.g., 1Jan-31Jan) 

 Engaged Users:

This metric shows with Instagram users engaged the most with the Instagram content. 


Instagram Insight v.s Inosocial Instagram analytics tool

Instagram insight is beneficial to use at the first look if you want to get to know how an  Instagram analytic tool works. Although in general, it includes essential metric tools to give the complete report of your business accounts such as overview, reach, impression, and promotion, etc., it limits just the last 7 days of your Instagram activity and honestly, a professional business account, of course, need efficient analytics tool to act as the best way tracker of your Instagram engagement rate in details. 

Inosocial analytics tool has several options to extract from different Instagram metric separately in image, data, annotate as well as print format. Moreover, It shows the top Instagram posts with the number of comments and likes they received in a row while Instagram insight adequate to view these items under each Instagram post individually.

 A few but Important Instagram insight v.s Inosocial Instagram analytics tool: 

 The last word, Instargam analytic tools are as many as possible for any marketers or business owners with any taste and need on Instagram, but the noticeable point is that whenever we want to think about modern marketing, it is our wisdom to focus on every social media channel to get the real and best result of our business performances, Inosocial, all in one management tool, allows us to go with not only with Instagram business tools like analytics but also with other social media tools and metrics to appear shiny and better than yesterday. The monitoring tool is ready in this all in one box for those with the aim of competitor analysis. 
