Instagram is a powerful platform for promoting and promoting your business, but let's remember how it all began? If you believe this is an American photo and video-sharing social networking service. Back in 2010, the application appeared on the App Store and has since begun to win fans around the world. Initially, this social network was nothing more than a platform for instant photos without a signature. By the way, even now in the USA, popular bloggers can publish pictures without text. In the CIS countries, the situation is somewhat different. So today we’ll talk about how to write posts on Instagram and what they should be for a high conversion.
Contrary to the notorious opinion that now people have completely forgotten how to read, we will object that they read - posts on social networks. According to statistics, 85% of CIS residents read texts and pay attention to them. We hope it is now clear why it is so important to write and surprise your followers?
If you still have doubts about this, here are a couple of arguments for writing online:
content influences decision making. In the application, you can not conduct a live dialogue with the interlocutor. Therefore, you cannot use proven leverage. Text does this in an online and offline format. Verified
content builds trust and expertise. Thus causing a desire to buy the goods from you;
the content supports the purchase path from a dream crept into the subconscious and desire to possess to “I received the goods and leave a review”;
content helps make resales;
content is a profile asset. If your texts are concise, impudent, attracting attention and bearing a clear message, then your blog will be much easier to promote and monetize.
These facts are enough to motivate you to write a post.
Can I learn to write posts on Instagram
Many people have a very logical question - is it possible to learn how to write posts on Instagram so that they are breathtaking and provoke subscribers to click on the cherished heart? We suggest that you develop your own style of presentation of thoughts, which after will become your business card. If you absolutely can’t stand these creative torments, and the muse did not come either on the first or on the second call, then we recommend taking a copywriter to the staff or freelance or choosing a site where you can buy a ready-made website .
What to write on Instagram
At this very moment, marketers distinguish four types of content for social networks:
Selling content is a kind of foundation on which your sales in social networks will be built. Sales posts are compiled as follows:
Offer + Time limit + Call to action = Sale
Information content is content that helps build an expert’s reputation and reveal your product from new perspectives. If the goal of the selling content is to make money, then the goal of the informational is the benefit, virality of sharing your posts.
Entertaining content or one that helps your audience not get bored. Entertaining content promotes audience engagement and helps create the image of a real living person.
Combined content we call a symbiosis of several types of texts at once. However, the most working formula for your instagram can be considered this:
Recognizable style + Interesting content + Characteristic visual presentation = Success
Popular Post Topics
In order to write interesting posts, it is important to understand who your target audience is, what problems and desires she has, and also what language she is used to speaking. Of course, it is important to leave room for emotional materials written under the influence of an event that could not leave you indifferent. There are also “eternal” topics, the relevance of which will never fade, here are at least a few ideas:
quotes and motivation. Both people like it, because whatever you say, but Instagram is a network of “successful success”;
announcements of guest posts and repeated announcements of successful publications. Sin is not to boast of its excellent article, uploaded to a cool information resource - so tell your subscribers about it;
write about a useful case or offer some ready-made solution to the problem. Such content is perfectly saved by users, scooped up and like - checked;
various ratings and listings. This is not necessarily a banal list of films for Saturday evenings, it can also be your personal top institutions in your favorite city and much more;
the history of creating a business or this particular page. Longreads are good only when dosed, so try to break the information into a series of posts on the topic;
Answers to frequently asked questions;
reviews, practical guides, tips, life hacks and valuable insider information;
myths and their denials;
product features;
"Kitchen" or life in the company from the inside;
ask for advice from subscribers, and also invite them to express their opinion;
Use info feeds. Today, the builder's day is an excellent occasion to write a post about building your business from scratch.
But, most importantly, be honest, open and sincere - and the followers will stretch.
How to write texts for posts on Instagram
Working with text can be difficult and painstaking, but only for those who do not know the simple rules for constructing sentences. For example, the formula for selling content was developed by American copywriters in the early twentieth century. This model has the non-trivial name AIDA, which stands for:
A - Attention
I - Interest
D - Desire (Desire)
A - Action
We also prepared a couple of tips for you on how to write not only technologically well, but also interestingly:
Avoid cliches and bureaucracy;
write sincerely and from the heart, do not try to play a role, but be yourself;
use the limbic system of perception (imagine how you are lying on the sand and listening to the noise of the Pacific Ocean);
use a rational system of perception;
use emotions and spaces in order to structure your text and it did not look like a solid canvas of letters;
avoid grammar and punctuation errors;
do not publish button accordions, write on current topics;
Consider the specifics of your audience.
set deadlines (do not think about how to start - just write regularly and with pleasure).
How to make a post
Beautiful posts are not just text. The design of your thoughts is also important. We decided to compile a detailed guide on how to not only write, but also edit our masterpieces.
Post subject
The topic of the post should be relevant to your audience and deviating from it on related issues is not worth it. Clearly express your position or thought in informative text, but before that, create a catchy headline that catches the eye. How to do it? Here are simple formulas:
Question (interrogative word + desire or fears of your target audience);
Shock and bullying (scary words + desires or fears of your audience);
The promise of benefits indicating the time spent on receiving the award (number + simple condition + desire of the
target audience).
Writing text with spaces and paragraphs
In fact, structuring the text and making spaces in it is not difficult. Such material will be much easier to visually perceive by the reader than a continuous canvas of letters. It's no secret that the social network does not save spaces between lines and “eats” paragraphs. To avoid this, use a special space for instagram, a text editor or telegram bot text4insta , which preserves the separation of paragraphs between honey.
Smaliki, like punctuation, is a kind of etiquette on social networks. In addition, they give an emotional color to one or another post, reflect the mood of the author, and also structure the information well, breaking it down into semantic blocks. Adding emoticons to text on a smartphone is quite simple, but if you prefer to write posts on Instagram from a computer, special programs will help. Or just write in the search the name of the desired emoticon, and then copy it and paste in the cherished combination of Ctrl C + Ctrl V.
Experienced designers know that font matters. Thus, advertising posts with an unreadable, complex font can push away a potential buyer, while a simple and accessible text format will work as efficiently as possible. One of the options for changing the font is the free Fonts & Text Emoji for Instagram smartphone app on the AppStore or Play Market, Text for instagram or Symbolizer fonts Keyboard.
Maximum characters per post
Instagram, like any other social network, has its own limits. So, for example, the maximum number of characters in a post is up to 2,000. In this case, all characters are considered without spaces. Of course, you can continue your thought in the comments, but try to express yourself succinctly, tenaciously and reasonably briefly. Brevity is the soul of wit.
Common mistakes and how to avoid them
No one is safe from mistakes, but smart people learn from strangers, and the rest prefer to make their own. We have compiled the top-most popular errors that Web users make in their texts:
grammar and punctuation. We will not be original; many people still have spelling problems. Before you click on the "post a post" button, at least read and edit all of the above. This is especially true for bloggers who demonstrate their expertise in a particular issue;
canvas text. In the previous sections, we already similarly talked about how to make indents, paragraphs, and smash lists with smiles - use this cheat sheet and forget about the solid canvas of characters;
expensive, rich. The abundance of smiles, hashtags or punctuation will not lead to anything good, remember this;
No title. Write a provocative, funny, daring, interesting headline and it will make the reader lower their eyes below. Verified
no logic. Well-known marketer Lilia Nilova calls such posts “fat, honey and nails.” Logically continue your thought, offer arguments and arguments, but do not interrupt it with other statements that are not meaningful.
We hope that after reading this article you will no longer have a question - what to write under the photo, and, most importantly, how to do it. A good text is one in which the soul is embedded, a deep meaning and a drop of inspiration. Go for it!