Unfavorable news: Research shows that Instagram is bad for mental health

in #instagram7 years ago

Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and Twitter are listed as harmful to mental health.

@Instagram is the social @networking application that is harmful to the mental health of the youngest, followed by the @SnapChat messaging app , @according to a new report by the Royal Institution of Community Health.

This report is based on nearly 1500 people ages 14 to 24, about how social networking affects the health of young people, such as anxiety and depression. Or underestimate yourself.

Leading the list is a good YouTube app, while Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and Twitter are all listed as harmful to young people's mental health.

Instagram is now a photo sharing application with over 700 million users worldwide. It is used mainly by young women. In particular, Instagram has made women " compare themselves to the 'ideal' models that have been photoshoped or not real, in other words it makes women unhappy or does not feel as good as Model on Instagram ".

" We do not intend to condemn the image through Photoshop, but we are asking young women to look at it more properly, not to compare ourselves to Instagram models. " Matt Keracher, author of the report, said.

This is also understandable because Instagram and Snapchat are two social networking applications that primarily feature photo / video sharing, so young people will also often have the habit of comparing themselves with others, for example. Such as showing sadness or jealousy when seeing photos of his friends traveling around, or feel his body is not as beautiful as the model.

Researchers suggest ways to clear up negative thoughts are to use less social networking and engage in more outdoor activities. So the young people, remember that beautiful life is waiting for us to enjoy it. Turn off the "virtual" social networking, put your phone down and face up for the best.